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Everything posted by spook007

  1. Vancouver Canucks... the punch bag of the NHL... Its so stinking currupt...
  2. As much as I would like to Buchnevich suot up next to Petey, no way are we going to let go of neither Lekki or Willander. Pods and Hogs likely beither as we need their cap hits going forward.
  3. I can easily see some rotation being the order of the day come play off time. Minor injury, slight loss of form, fatigue etc. we need 7-8 d men ready to play. He is going nowhere...
  4. We could, but we aren't going to... he'll be our insurance, and the fact we can rotate our bottom 4 at least matters big time...
  5. 100%... some of the hits dished out by Z and Juuls in particular, would/will zap the energy out of any forward over a 7 game series... They aren't just hitting, but hitting to hurt... It feels like its been forever since we've had that...
  6. This ^^^^^^^ What a difference it makes that we are not looking like lambs to the slaughter any more...
  7. Its been ages, since we had a few D-men that could give a few 'shoves' that is felt... Z leads the way, but Juuls, Soucy and Cole all able to as well as is Myers when he plays... Its like a new world for this team... or 'back to the future'...
  8. That jersey is just so filthy cool... Please make it happen....
  9. He has definitely played him self into a permanent fixture on this team.
  10. And rightfully so... everything goes through him...
  11. Unreal..... just unreal...
  12. This is just what the doctor ordered...
  13. Another slaying the dragon... 2 weeks ago, Canucks can't compete with the strong teams... since that beat Boston and now Kings.... Demko wow.... And Petey starting to pay back on his new contract....
  14. They were in the 1st... Canucks has upped the pace in the 2nd and they'll get the looks... LA closing us down in their zone, but yes they've been out skating us, and first to most puck... Wonder why it is... maybe a bout of something? Kept Lindholm off the ice for a bit of time... maybe
  15. True, they need to keep the tempo up, if they want to create anything as Kings experts in slowing the game down and close it out.
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