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Everything posted by spook007

  1. True but we did get out of the traps quickly this season, with the players we've got... most of them will likely be a little better. If they can make the numbers fit, they may try and sign him, but we have to think about the future cap as well...
  2. I can't see Canucks letting go of Hugs... He is one of the few, who really goes into the dirty areas, and comes out with puck similar to Garland... On top of that he has soft hands in front of goal and is build like a brick... Just don't see us letting go of a Tocchet player, who costs next to nothing...
  3. I think this is rather glass half empty v half full... Petey will be 30 when OEL Cap ends... but only 28, when its no more than $2M... hardly end of his life as a forward.. one could argue or even expect that he should be at the height of his career... after all this is the age Miller is at now. Demko will be 33 when the cap ends, but 31 only when its reduced to $2M... Quinn Hughes may or may not sign, but there is nothing to suggest he won't. As for contract figures, nothing is for free, but the cap is increasing so that should help. Hogs maybe a 27-29 year old 1st line winger and with a bit of Luck both Lekkerimaki and Willander will be well established players as well. On top of that, so far the management team has done an excellent job in the professional scouting department, and found a lot of value for money... Nothing suggests to me that is going to change anytime soon. So all in all I feel there are plenty of reason to look forward to the future in the media to longish term... I do agree there are lots of uncertainties into the future, but there always is... Any player can get injured, lose form, be moved etc etc, but at least we have some building blocks and a few more arriving... as I said its a bit like glass half empty v half full... I believe its half full and definitely feel that as well... PS. Crosby is now 36 and still scoring for fun, while Malkin is 37 and on his last legs. Eller is 34 and also still a decent player, so I don't think we should expect our star players to all drop dead just after 30...
  4. What makes you think our timeline is just 3-5 years? i'd suggest its more likely to be this and next and then in 3 years and for the next 5 years+..., Once OEL cap is gone we are in Peteys Prime and QHs as well... we are going to cook at that time.
  5. If you have to choose... yes 100%... we don't have to live with them, so who cares if they are prickly... Winning is the name of the game... now if we are lucky, they are both, and then its so much better
  6. Spot on... This season was not just about trying to reach the play offs... Its was just as much a show of strength and what the future might hold for this team. Petey and others needed to know, that we would be starting to compete, and not just hang around the garbage end throughout his career...much Bo did...
  7. You know, he will... Luongo rule for Canucks, and legalised cheating for Vegas... sounds about right...
  8. Yeah no doubt it's money we could have spent better, but do they keep a 7.2M or bite the bullit and try to do something with this team. This will be the topic of many debates over the next 10 years, should this go pear shaped... but that's for another day...
  9. Came to Vancouver as master of a cable ship in 2005-2006 and spent a year alongside in the port (6 months alongside Canada place and another 6 at Main Street dock (I think, struggle to remember the name), but could see Canada place across from our berth... It was a fabulous time and not too far a walk to GM place... First game was a pre season v Oilers and ended with a 6-2 win... And that was it. I was sold instantly, and was in awe of the hockey played... It was a new world compared to the hockey, I had been used to watch live... Have no idea how many games I watched, but it was lots... tickets $50 on the street, seats up amongst the pigeons, but I could care less... bought my first shirt at my second Canucks game... A purple Orca one ... Bert, Morrison and Nazzy top line Sedin twins were second line players with Carter... Never looked back since... been buying all the local tv providers showing Canucks games as well as NHL TV... Feels like I have been a fan forever although its only 20 years, but tv and all the stories told by all the old time fans almost makes it feel, as if I was there at the time... I wasn't and thus try to stay out of debates about old players, although players like Linden and Bure were well known outside the borders of Canada... Long story short, love the Canucks, and CFF is like a second family.... magic times and so many great and enthusiastic fans on these boards. A massive thank you to you all... from an old sea dog... PS. favorite shirt is the skate jersey.
  10. 'Almost'.... it's double of next years penalty, on par with the following 2 and more than double the last 2 years... not perfect but nowhere as bad as suggested... But besides that agree... Mika just doesn't fit in on any line... And JR has not been known to hang around waiting for players to come around. I will be very surprised if he is here at the start of next season.
  11. Juulsen or Hogs stick ons for unsung hero this year... Can't believe how improved Juulsen has been with a bit of confidence... He is a one man tank on the back end... Perfect for the bottom pairing... Been years since we had such a punishing d Core with Juuls and Z.... Great to see Podz back in the line up doing well... keep this up and his AHL days are over...
  12. Absolutely amigo... And following the debate with interest... It was just tongue in cheek, and a chance to use a good gif I also responded to the way it was put forward... (saying something like "goes to show how much I know"...) It definitely makes sense about the tax being paid, where the games are paid to minimise the differences in tax differences... Of course it wouldn't totally eliminate it, as some cities have higher taxes than others, but it would make the tax advantage less...
  13. Would be good, but on the other hand, Hogs was killing it on the 4th line... Good problems.
  14. You are absolutely right that money will be for the two top lines... as we start to tighten the belt, the top earners not producing or not on the top two lines will be lambs to the slaughter first... yeah Lindholm will not be extended to play 3C... If they don't see him on the top 2 lines, he'll be a rental... and while it is an expensive rental, its better than paying 7M+ for a player that doesn't fit anywhere...
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