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Everything posted by spook007

  1. Looks good... Juulsen can play with Soucy until Willander is ready... Juulsen earned the spot.
  2. Didn't mean to sound aggressive... However, we will be seeing deals like that more often now... Its a good deal, in that we get Petey through his prime years, and don't have to regularly worry about, where we stand with regards to money... I am normally apprehensive about long term deals, but if ever there was a great gamble, this would be it... And its in my pocket
  3. And?.... What's the alternative, provided they want to keep him?
  4. Between good and pumped... Yet to see a real negative post on here, and I spent hours going through them... however expect them to raise their heads as soon as Petey has a stinker....
  5. Absolutely... Its been an amazing turn around by JR/PA... don't think even the biggest homers could have foreseen them puling this off... I also believe the players themselves feel something is brewing... where it leads to is anybody's guess, but definitely made it a much better place to be .
  6. Good call Duke... Lets not forget its good work by JR/PA to have the face of the franchise (or one of them) signed up for the next 8 years... Gives us a lot of stability for the future...
  7. I think we'll be lucky if he signs for 2M even at 4 years... He will get good offers, and as you said at this stage in his career can he really afford to say no to a windfall? I of course hope you are right, as it would be a massive win, if we could keep the 3rd line united (although unlikely).
  8. Absolutely its a gamble, like with all big contracts... especially with Petey having a bit of a funk just now... But, he is getting into his prime years... Benning (yes him nobody likes) said you win with 28-33 years old players... Miller hit his top form in that period, as did the Sedins and Kessler, Bertuzzi, Nazzy etc etc.... so it's fair to hope we haven't even seen the best of Petey yet, and that he is going to be even better as he grows older... Anyway here's hoping
  9. This... it will be a good contract in 3-4 years, when biggest part of OEL penalty is gone, and QH has to sign his next deal... We should have a window again then for a good few years...
  10. Don't think we'll get him in for that... he is likely $3-3.5M after the season he has had...
  11. I'll be brutally honest and say, its around the number, I thought he would sign at. How much of a discount or not it is, is up to what he brings in the future... If he scores around 100+ points most years throughout his contract, I think we can all agree he will have earned it... However, if he should flounder, then it a hell of a big hit to take... But these are the chances we have to take... Where we really need to hit the jack pot now, Is Lekkerimaki becoming a super goalscorer and Wallander at least becoming a top 4 RHD... These starting contracts will come in extremely handy over the next couple of years. I personally think, MacKinnon is close to the talents, we call generational... He does everything... but that is just me... few does a few things better, but rarely as many as MacKinnon...
  12. Aye he was pretty good at explaining these things... @IBatch as well
  13. Yep just as I said, he is underpaid... If MacKinnon signed a contract today like Petey, I would expect $13.6M to at least be the number with rising cap etc. Avalanche got a steal of a contract just like we did with Miller.
  14. Cheers amigo. 12% less tax... 12.6 x 0.59 = $ 7.4M v 11.6 x 0.47 = 5.45 So I guess in real money MacKinnon get roughly $2M net more than Petey each year... And I still think Mac is underpaid at that just now at least. Just like I think Miller is severely underpaid just now.
  15. I agree amigo. But whats the tax in Colorado. Not sure why Mac signed such a sweetheart deal there, but its more a case of Mac playing well above his contract, just like Miller does. However Macs ontracts goes on until he is 36 at least ( so maybe because of expected reduction in production at the later part of his contract)... Mac should be up there with McD and Matthews.
  16. At the end of his contract he'll own all the records And Hughes all the D men records
  17. Baring any total collapse, in 3-4 years it will look like a great deal. Book it.
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