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Everything posted by spook007

  1. That list is perfect in saying he is in the superstar group. Those players are all superstars... Can't believe the stick he has had bearing in mind he would be the first Canuck player with more than 1 100point season and he is STILL ONLY 25. total collapse aside this contract is gonna look good in 3-4 years. Book it.
  2. Thank you..... thank you..... thank you God almighty its been tough to listen to all the moaning and slander about Petey. Thank you JR/PA for having more brain than folks crapping all over Petey. Now lets go and win some hockey games.
  3. I've been thinking the same thing... Is he carrying a wrist injury or something?
  4. True, but it does happen Hammer Miller... although he was better in the beginning of his career... He got a new lease of life in Vancouver... Don't think anyone foresaw Miller becoming the force his been last few years...
  5. And when Miller regresses in 2-3 years, are we still not going to pay a star to take over for Miller? Gotta remember we are paying for 8 years of Petey prime time... JT is playing well beyond his contract just now, but the low cap is likely because we will still be paying him, when he doesn't live up to his contract any longer...
  6. If we only sign 1 silly contract it should be Hughes, but I think they got room for EP at 12 as well QH comes in once the worst of OEL cap is gone (I believe, but can't remember). I expect QH to command between 13-15M in 3 years. He is the most dynamic player I've seen in Canucks colour. Oceans of Ice time andinvolved in the majority of goals, when on the ice. He is one of a handful of Dmen in the NHL that controls the game, or at least can, from start to stop. He is NOT going to be cheap, if we are to keep him in Vancouver. Hopefully the lure of big dollars south of the border or a reunion with his brothers won't pry him away. Luckily we seem to have a close nit leadership team. Listening to Brock and Miller how much they like to play together is fabulous, especially knowing Brock and Petey are friends too. And Quinn is friends with everyone.
  7. Bingo... mic drops...couldn't agree more if I tried. Wait and see what McD will get and eventually QH and Makar etc.
  8. Well time will tell...why don't you tell us how you really feel PS. Think a lot of people here will be surprised over the contracts handed out the coming years with the rise in the cap...
  9. I think that is the bottom line... they've had a crazy schedule, lots of travel with weird game times... I think the rest coming up will do wonders for the team... and Petey in particular.
  10. Yeah I don't disagree on that... I think, its two different kind of leaders, and we are lucky to have Miller locked in at 8... its quite frankly a steal of a contract, while he is playing the way he does. Petey doesn't have the physical attributes of Miller, who can bulldoze himself against any team, while he possesses great play making ability and finishing. However, Petey on his day, is almost unplayable... He is on par with the best in the league... I think its fair assessment, that where Petey goes the team goes... The PP has died, while Petey is in a funk... I wonder why it has been so hard to find a proper lineman to Petey... Last year Kuz potted 39 goals, and was well helped along the way by Petey (if I'm not totally mistaken).. As absurd as it sounds, Kessel could be exactly, what Petey needs on his line...
  11. I agree, I wouldn't say only first 10n games of the year, but yes his play has not been up to the same standards as he used to be. Honestly, I think he spends far too much time trying to play a hard nosed style of hockey, which he isn't built for. It used to be all dangles and drawing pens, snap shots into the corners etc. I don't know, what is going on behind the scenes, and many things involved in this... Injury, private problems, loss of confidence, Contract discussions, maybe the manager has ask him to play in a way, that doesn't suit him etc etc. Its not just Petey though... Have a look at our PP. It absolutely sucks atm.... Petey used to snipe a few regularly, but rarely hammers one home now... I have a feeling, he is having wrist issues again, but don't take a break because of the contract issues, where he has to show, what he can do... I still say though, form is temporary and talent is permanent... On his day, Petey ranks amongst the best in the league, but for whatever reason, it hasn't materialised this season. Its not that uncommon that star players have a dip in form now and again... and the thing is, imagine trading Petey and watch him really take off in another jersey... It has been seen several times both from players leaving Vancouver and players coming to Vancouver... I hope he signs around 11=11.5 and will not be surprised to see him sign for 12x8 as reported. I will be delighted to see him sign at 11 just take some of the pressure from fans off him... we'll see PS. I think Bure is in a group of General talents... In todays game, I think he'd be as good as McD...
  12. That very fair. Personally I see him between $11-12M but if it was all based on the last month, less... but as say form is temporary but takent is permanent.
  13. He is in a alump just now, a month ago this wasn't really an issue. Not sure what the reason is, but could ve many things... It just feels like its shitting on Petey month all of a sudden, because someone came out and said, he has refused to sign a $12Mx8 contract, a report that was later withdrawn. Petey normally drives the bus on his line, he is normally the guys that steers the drinks and, yes, makes he linemates better. How did McD get on in the beginning of the season? Not too well as far as I remember, nobody would now say he isn't $15M player? Matthews? Nylander paid, is it $11M? In the end somebody has to put the points on the board, but yes he is not in super form just now.
  14. Make the same for Miller please? or is Miller not driving his line neither?
  15. Would that be 100+ point 'passenger Petey'? How the hell does anyone make 100+ points being a passenger? And before you speak too highly of Bo, there were pages after pages written about 'soft' Bo, who didn't get the boys going. If he did, he would still be here...
  16. MacKinnon is 28 years old and signed a contract for 8 years until he is 36... ie expect some regression in his final years. Similar argument was put forward about Miller being paid $8M but he would regress at the end of his contract. Secondly MacKinnon is paid $12.6M not $12M Thirdly one could easily argue that MacKinnon is being underpaid? Not sure, what the tax is in Colorado? That may make up for the difference compared to Vancouver, but have a fair idea that he is taxed less than Petey? Anyone knows? Finally, Petey will only be 33, when this contract ends, so very likely he'll be producing the same points total over the next 8 years as MacKinnon does. So while I think MacKinnon is a better player than Petey, doesn't mean Petey shouldn't be getting $11-12M... Have you actually heard, what the contract sounds like?
  17. Sorry but guess you are being sarcastic, yes?
  18. The posibility is what you pay... what you get will be determined... just like any job in the world.
  19. Well i can be debated who drives the play on McDs line? Does that mean Draiseitl isn't a superatar? Imagine to suggest a player on course for 100points with a black hole and a 3rd liner as his wingers is considered not to drive play... Don't know where you find 100+ points players that doesn't drive play and aren't superstars... please let management know, as I'm sure they'd like to know, where you find these... think they would like a few more of these just about now.
  20. And?.... does that mean Petey is not a superstar? In my book anyone breaking 100points (particularly in consecutive seasons) is a superstar... What McD does is irrelevant... he's a generational talent.
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