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Everything posted by spook007

  1. Hillarious.... only in Vancouver are fans dissing their own 100+ point players... what makes a superstar? what number on the leading scorer's list have you got to be, to be a superstar? Is Miller a superstar? define superstar? Is it unfair to think that players that pass the 100 points mark before they are 25 are superstars? and likely doing is again?\ Just wondering?
  2. If Miller have a couple more 100 points seasons, we'll be happy.. Expect Petey to be around the 100 points mark (baring any injuries) for the next 8 years???/ On top of that Miller signed before the cap was rising, and he was never up in those numbers of points prior to coming to Canucks. On current form Miller is underpaid by at least 2M if not more... but will likely be playing at 6M level later in his contract... (although what a great thing it would be, if he could continue this level of play in the entirety of his contract).
  3. Maybe because he will have his 8 best years coming up, while Miller most likely isn't going to play at this level for the remainder of his contract.
  4. With all the speculation, I thought he was going for a 3-4 year deal, and then hoping to make a killing on his last deal... But these reports make me very happy... lock him up for 8 years... in 3-4 years it'll likely look like a great deal... Wonder if Petey himself maybe was starting to see him playing himself out of a monster contract... who knows. Just gonna be pleased, once its done and dusted.
  5. Hoglander " Hey Jonathan, I have a lacrosse goal, you don't..." Lekkerimaki " hold my beer..."
  6. Yep. Expecting the number starting with 11 as well... and yes that is the big question... can they keep it going... So far they management did, what they said they'd do... very impressive. I still think we are in the first of 2 windows... the second starting 3 years time once the 5M cap penalty is reduced again, and Wallander and Lekkerimaki have started to play in the NHL / contributing... But yes hopefully they find a way to keep it going throughout...
  7. Its totally fine being the 10th or 15th best player in the league... He may actually improve on that. Petey is 25 going into him prime... most likely having his second 100 point season in a row... And while he is the 3rd best player on the team right now, the likely hood of him still being a 100point producer in 4-5 seasons are far higher than Miller being able to continue at this level another 4-5 years... hence he will be paid more than Miller. And QH will be the highest paid player, once his contract needs renewed. So Petey is gonna get paid... and deservedly so... On a side note, he is not going to get anything JR/PA don't think, he is worth... they showed that with Horvat.
  8. Imagine a player making over 100 points in consecutive seasons (expect him to repeat it this year)... we used to be impressed by that...
  9. Its a big gamble... but man could we use another power forward...
  10. It was exactly, how I thought about it... He's a trouble maker, but seems to be ok at first... They seemed to like him at first up in Edmonton. He'd bring something to the table we could use... mind you, he could also destroy everything thats good about the Canucks just now, and definitely would sign him and his extra 2 years NMC contract.
  11. Agree on all 3 points... My worry is if we end up similar to Calgary, where we have to take cap dump back, to make it work. Secondly my concern would also be, that if Petey is traded, we would miss the 2nd year of our 1st window, which could make Hughes decide to seek other new challenges elsewhere... all good players wants to win, that there is limited time, so many don't want to wait for picks and talents to mature. As for Lindholm, agree 100%... haven't been particularly impressed by him, but this what was quoted, when we took him on... and as I said if he was worth 8 then Petey is definitely worth 10-11... But in the end nobody is worth more, than somebody is prepared to pay.
  12. Well while this is true, if we had a crystal ball, there are many things we'd do differently. In the end, if management and Petey can't find common ground, he'll be history, but I'm not longing for it to happen.
  13. He might sign for that kind of money... I think, its the length of then contract, that is the issue... With cap going up now, I can easily see a situation where he can sign say 10.5-11 now with a NMC and then hope to cash in like Miller in 3 years...
  14. Mikayev for Kane? Could he be what Petey would need on his line? I know he is a dirt bag...
  15. Sorry yes this year... will change it... But still only $7.3M for this year... If they can't come to an agreement in the summer, he will be traded, which is fair enough. But to have a go at him because he has a down period, where his play isn't up to his usual standard is nonsense. His play is definitely worth $10M+ He has been our top scorer in his previous years, and is still only 25... Why wouldn't he try to get a good contract. I bet there lots off teams that would be prepared to pay him around $10M and with the tax implications, that would more likely be $11M...
  16. Oh yes, zero doubt about that... They have shown that if it doesn't come in at the price they want, they get rid... and rightfully so. But point being last year folks couldn't get rid of Brock quick enough after he had a few down years. This year he has made it full circle and is back to, what we hoped he could be. Petey it now driving the play as well as he has in previous seasons (although his struggles has only been recently)... He is up an down, but in every season he has been out leading scorer, so just because he is having a down time or period of time when it doesn't go according to plan, doesn't mean he won't take off again. A lot of the focus is because of the contract talk of 12x8 that has been rejected...seemingly, although nobody has confirmed it and the person saying so has seemed to be retracting on it... Maybe it is right, and maybe it is wrong... Petey held out last time as well... Could the reason his game has looked less than his best be to do with rumours of his contract slipping out, despite him saying nothing are to be discussed until the offseason? Maybe he has had some heart break in his personal life? We don't know, and I would hate to see him hounded out, only to find out the were talking about 10X5 and he had said no to that, hoping his performances would give him a better deal?
  17. Last year the core was Miller, Demko, Hughes and Petey... Just goes to show that good players have down turns as well.. who knows, what goes on in Peteys private life? maybe he is carrying an injury? or whatever... I'd be careful dumping him like yesterdays news...
  18. Spot on... Could understand if they were dragging the team down and we were bottom of the league, that folk vent their frustrations, but the team is top of the league... Sometimes its as if they each scored 100 goals and they were 20 points ahead of the nearest challenger, we would be unhappy because with another win we could have been 22 points ahead... I wonder if folks have forgotten, what the last 10 years has been like...
  19. Well he has 9 GWG in 61 games so it must be more than 1 in 12? I think we ought to leave the Petey bashing until the off season. Lets see where this takes us... All the talk of firsts for Petey are great, but when will that help us? We'll likely end up with a return similar to what Calgary did with Tkachuk, and that was less than an overwhelming return. Lindholm was expected to make $8M on a new contract, so if that is what 8M gives you, I suggest Petey is worth more... He is having a down year, for whatever reason... injury, fatigue, loss of form etc etc... he is still only 25 and is our top producer each year... It just seems like people needs to take him down for whatever reason.... He is making $7.3M... this year... NOT $12M... if he signs a $12M contract by all means com plain, but I for one think he is excellent value for money just now?
  20. Thank you... The stick he gets is a fucking joke... What was it Benning said... you win with players between 28-33... what is Millers age 31 in 2 weeks. Petey is 25 how about giving him some flipping slack. The contract he signs (should it be 7-8 years) will cover the entire time he is in his prime... He is not even in his prime YET... And the $12M x 8 BS.... somebody show me, where this is mentioned by anyone, who actually knows except click bait.... The lost a game in over time...whine whine... Jubus, what a load of crap.... Somebody tell me this team is still top of the NHL? But but but points%..... yeah right... Kings, Vegas, Oilers etc etc etc
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