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Everything posted by spook007

  1. Maybe? thing we don't know, and until we know for sure, I think we ought to be careful with throwing under the bus for being greedy, or assume he is.
  2. Cheers bud like wise... I do agree under normal circumstances it could be a measuring stick, however just now, while we know, the team isn't firing all cylinders, we might be setting ourselves up for disappointments, if we want this as a measuring stick... In saying that, the feel good factor would obviously return instantly, should they beat the Bruins...
  3. Cheers, Again, Peteys camp asked for negotiations to be postponed until the end of the season. That could mean anything or nothing... In this market we tend to react to the slighted talk of smoke... I don't think it is healthy for the relationship between Petey and the fans, although in the end its his play that dictates, how the relationship is... Sedins were almost hounded out because they weren't worth chopped liver, until they took off... Petey is still, despite it feels a lot longer, only 25 years old... He is just about to enter his prime. I will feel bad about saying he has reached his limit before he has even entered his prime... Players go up and down... its just how it is... What is his worth, I have no idea, but I'm sure a man with the experience of JR by his side have a far better knowledge of, what Petey is worth or if he wants to stay at all....
  4. There is a difference between speculating and knowing... In the beginning of the season Peteys camp said clearly... no negotiations until the end of the season... ever since that, fans and paper hacks alike have speculated, what number he would come in at... Just like they did with Miller... number are leaked, but are they really? or is it just speculation? In the end could he sign at less, great, but up until then fans are reacting and almost alienating him, if he doesn't play up to the perceived level of a $12M player... I am concerned that Petey himself says sod this, and ask his agent to engineer a move to somewhere with less exposure...
  5. Been waiting for them to sign that type of player forever... will surprised if them don't leading up to the TDL...
  6. At least they have some breaks in-between games and none of these ridiculous game times...
  7. I don't feel so concerned about the Boston game... If we were playing to our potential, yes then I would be good to see us beat them, but we are not, or at least haven't been the last few games. I'm just hoping/expecting us to get out of the funk after a few days home, when the boys gets rested and time to practice again... After the Bruins game they start to see a more relaxed schedule, and that will without doubt help them settle down...
  8. Thank you.... The amount of talk in these pages about Petey refusing to sign a $12M x 8 contract is nothing short of disgusting... Almost feel like somebody is trying to make an uneasy feeling with the Canucks squad, and more importantly between Petey and the fans...
  9. They need a break... I have full confidence, that once they get settled at home, we will see a turn around... Before we went on this and the previous away trip, everyone agreed this would be really testing times... They first away trip they nailed, the second they failed, all in all its what could be expected... We will do fine, but the team gets to get its footing again, be it v Boston or the game after or the game after...
  10. Before the game against Kraken there were a few saying, this is must win game... they didn't and life goes on... Now some are saying Boston is a must win game, but I guarentee you, if they don't, life goes on... The team is in a funk, and you don't just turn a switch and then you are out of these... They have lost their mojo. Whether its physically or mentally (probably both) is anyones guess, but there is NOT one single game that is more important than any other just now. What is important is breaking the circle, be it agains Boston, Kraken, Blackhawks or whom ever... The reason, its possible to be relaxed about this, is, the team has been so damn good throughout the season. I don't know, but I doubt Bruins fans are ready to call their team out of the play offs chances, because they've lost to Avs or Vegas or should they lose to us on Saturday. Can we all agree that this team is in uncharted territory now and has been for most of the year. They are learning that being a good team means teams are up for games against you. And up until this funk, the team showed an amazing resilience in bouncing back. I think the team is tired physically and mentally. The first thing to go is structure, when you are tired. You make boneheaded decision, I know, I've made a few, when I've been really tired and under pressure. Its how you deal with pressure, when you are tired. The team hardly has any time to recoup before the Bruins game, Tocchet alluded to that, when asked about they would get some practice in, when they got home. To which he answered, practice? With a 4pm game v Bruins Saturday? He knows the team is tired, but he calling them out so they don't have time to feel sorry for themselves... He's been there, done that, and knows how it feels, when it doesn't work. He is making them dig deep to find another 5-10%, so they can compete and perhaps even win again. Its charracter building, and its the only way you improve. The team is used to losing over the years, hard luck stories and what have you... Now they need to learn to push through. There is a reason it normally takes teams a few years to get a cup winning team. This team has earned the right to get a bumpy ride, but of course they (and we) want to see them turn it around instantly. Regardless, what I think or don't think, and whether they beat Bruins in a regular season game or not means Jack, when play offs comes around. Finally, I have zero problem with folks opinion one way or another, but there is a tendency amongst some to be really worried about a few loses... or at leaat, that is how it reads. Doesn't make less of a fan, don't think, I've said that about anyone, but there are, I think a few boys, not you, on these pages, that seem to have a field day, rubbing folks noses in it, when the team loses... Anyway, I for one will sit back and take the good with the bad, as this season in particular has been a revelation.... and done wonders for me feeling good about Canucks hockey. Either way, there is zip, I can do about it.
  11. No no no you don't understand... we have zero chance and really suck, while Vegas, Boston etc etc they just lose because, that's what happens during a season......./s
  12. Has it though? Is is creditable or is it just another shit stirring wannabe 'insider'...
  13. Tocchet is angry... Expect a trade in 5...4...3...2...1... (It won't be Petey)...
  14. Its a brilliant thing they do... It creates a family atmosphere amongst the players, that their families know one another... On top of that, without the hockey mums and dads of the world, most of these players would never have reached the heights they do... I think, things like that also plays into players mind, when they look at it come contract day...
  15. Was it Mark Stone who suddenly was well enough tom play last play offs, after being LTIR?
  16. They'll turn it around... They need to try facing adversity... this is team building.
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