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Everything posted by spook007

  1. I'm getting as angry as anyone, when I feel we don't get, what we deserve. However, we need, or more importantly the team need to be able to overcome these problems. We know, what happens, if we don't... We've been there and done that, worn the T-shirt... Only way to overcome it, is to be better... Soft penalties, like Lindholms if frustrating and irritating, but they happen... Get better at killing the penalties instead. Our first goal was a blatant pick by Myers, and could just as well have been a penalty for him. During the game I feel we were being victimised, but as the red mist lifted, I have to agree with a few controversy posters, that a lot of the penalties were blatant pens, that were self inflicted... Except for Lindholms 'soft' roughing and Zads soft hooking, I think they were all pens that should be called, and had it been the other way around, we would be screaming murder... High sticking and puck over the glass happens, but they will always (or nearly always) be called. In Boston we didn't score on our chances, while Bruins did... The off ice refereeing was sickening, but don't think the on ice were particular bad for Canucks... a few dodgy one, but in general no so much... San Jose was worse... really annoyed about that one. Nevertheless, complaining about the refs in the press, all be it warranted, never helps.... if anything that is something we should have learned by now. If it really gets bad, let the club speak outside the press to the NHL...
  2. Cheers amigo. Likewise, enjoy the game... I agree, crying over spilt milk doesn't change anything......better play, and less dumb penalties will do that... If you let you heads drop, just because them refs are bad, then we may as well pack up already. See you around
  3. Spot on... You need to fight adversity... nothing is given to you. They just have to let it go, just like the defeat to Pegs and learn from it... Take it on the chin... we've seen this film lots of times during playoffs, and you have to rise above it... I'm quite sure they have the senior players in the team, that have been there and done that, that will help them overcome any issues or hanging faces...
  4. There's a lot of talk about 'negative' posts here on CFF.... This look like a very happy post....
  5. I actually kinda agree with this, except the highlighted part. If a team is down to 5 against 3 for the 4th time, you don't speak about covering the puck ' long enough' to draw a whistle.... The refs knows themselves they are now in unchartered territory, and should use common sense, similar to call soft penalties to even it up... that is quite normal, so they don't become the dominant factor. Maybe just maybe because the goalie was so far out of his net, but still... The whistles normally quickly, although it has to be said, there was a acamble earlier in the game, in front of the Wilds hoal, that didn't get blown down neither, even though it was hard to see the puck for anyone. Its just the fact that when a team is down to a 5 on 3 for the 4th time, refs would normally use a bit of game management, when posible.... Regardless, its done and dusted and the boys have a chance to bounce back tonight... now we'll see, what they are made of... they've been good this far to bounce back after 1 or 2 losses, so it'll be interesting.
  6. It was, but I think this hold gets called, or are likely to be called. One hand on the stick and the arm around. I'm not sure, but we seen this film before, where we've called out the refs only to be on the short end of the stick refereeing wise... Burrows amongst others got hounded. It was a weird game, and the total collapse was not good, regardless of how the game was called. They kept pushing to ger back into it, but it wasn't to be. Only positive I can find from the game is, they have now been reminded, thay no game is won, until the final whistle.
  7. I'd suggest Lindholms roughing call is bs.... and still fail to fathom, why the play isn't stopped with DeSmith laying on the puck... Other than that I think its all penalties, while I think Peteys hooking is soft, bearing in mind we were on the PK and already had 2 5on3s... In the end we still shouldn't have conceded 7 goals in the 3rd... Back on the horse, and learn from this... Stupid penalties cost us....
  8. I'll take a wild guess.... or an educated guess on, who they bet on...
  9. This is actually a very good take... Something that hasn't been mentioned......, as the goals started raining in, a timely timeout would or could have been beneficial...
  10. Actually think it all started with the missed interference by Myers on the 1st goal... after that, they were dying to give a make up call, to even it out....
  11. Now...... what I really wanna know is, who predicted this score PTSC @Goalie29...
  12. games in hand, point %s, etc etc etc.... They need to win those games... they said the same about Kings earlier in the season... they were going to easily overtake us... bla bla bla
  13. Absolutely bush league... 5on3 for the 3rd or 4th time, and they let the players hack away at the goalie, while he is on top of the puck... found that disgusting... Maybe about time fans start throwing beer at them again to show their displeasure...
  14. but they are not a good team, and definitely not a contender, don't you know................................................../s
  15. Aye forgot that one... piss poor call... Don't mind most of the calls, but found it astonishing they took so long to get Canucks a PP after all the 5on3s And the fact they could see the puck, despite DeSmith laying on it... utter bush league...
  16. Thank you... Couldn't have said it any better myself... At some stage we were going to get a slap, and yet we scored 7 goals... 4 5on3s... don't think I've ever seen that before... The play where the puck was under DeSmith and then twice covered by Lindholm, was the poorest part of the refereeing. They all hammered away at the keeper, while 5 on 3... thought it was really poor by the ref. But shouldn't really surprised since they managed to see a good goal with the puck entering from the side of the goal... In saying all that... the team need to stop taking weak high sticks penalties... On to the next one... PS. Congrats Miller... nice hatty.
  17. In the immortal words of W.C.Fields... "I never drink anything stronger than Gin before breakfast..." Think your ok
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