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Everything posted by spook007

  1. Again true, but how long do they wait? at paly offs time, you want your star players to play like stars. Next year we have $2M less to paly with, and the year after $5M less... don't really have room for passengers... And I like Mika and what he brings to the table. If he starts to finish plays again, he'll be back on the top line with Petey, but even Tocchet has demoted him now. I think, seeing how PDG got handled by Lowry suggests, we need a tougher forward, who can play as well. Miller and DAK are the only once, and DAK isn't even that fantastic at it neither... I haven't seen anything bar a few goal highlight of Bains, but from the boys, who watches him regularly. yourself included, he seems able to take a spot on the bottom line at least. Thus we should be able to get a low cost Forward in who can play a hardnosed style of hockey, without selling the farm... Get Bains or new boy into the top six, Suter down to centre the bottom line and then tweak the remaining forwards to accommodate PDG or Aman in the press box or waived/traded. We are capable to play against any team, but do have a hard time v heavy teams. I don't want Petey, Garland, Hogs or Hughes to fend for themselves out there.
  2. He was ok, but he is so cold in front of the net, he makes Hansen look like patty Kane... Totally snake bitten He is a good defensive player with wheels, but $5M cap hit, expect more... If he can't find the back of the net, I'd rather they spend his money on a more hard nosed forward...
  3. Yes Mika is a black hole just now. If we can get PDG and Lafferty to play ok'ish with Miller and petey, yes we would have a great 4th line. I'm just slightly concerned about taking Hogs away from Peteys line, cause he is everything you want from a winger on Peteys line (apart from size). Fast, tenacious, fearless, scores... But yes if Bains can transition seemlessly, it could be a real treat to have a bottom 6 of Dak, Bluger, Garland Bains, Suter, Hogs I still hope they find a way to get a better support player to either millers or Peteys line. PDG got his a** handed to him by Lowry. This team is just a Torres type player (- suspensions) away from being ready for the playoffs. They are ready, but it would fill me with more confidence. Who knows maybe Hotdog will be in the mix as well....
  4. Well yes and no... he might have wanted Hughes to feast on the lesser opposition? Regardless, he needs to find ways to lower Hughes minutes... And that means other players playing more. This was a learning experience for both Juulsen and maybe Tocchet as well. They need to know, if Juulsen is up to the task or not. Just like Myers. Their top line got the first 2 goals on the PP with Hronek on the ice, I believe. He could have matched Hronek/Hughes but if the reason was to test the other players I think its ok. Pegs play a heavy game, and maybe he doesn't want Hughes to be crushed constantly? I don't know, it was just a thought.
  5. Then we are still short of a winger to play with either Petey or Miller.. unless they keep Mika on the 3rd line, then we are short of two... Do like the idea though, two strong bottom lines. Maybe Podz instead of Hogs?
  6. Happening in Football (soccer) now, and its a total pain in the butt... The amount of stopage for VAR to determine if there was a toenail off side, was the tackle clean, did it touch his arm etc etc... is taking the fun out of watching the game. Some of it, is not in the spirit of the game. I do, however welcome retrospective punishment, for embellishment in particular. It can be almost impossible for the game refs to determine if an elbow or a stick has touch the face, when the head snaps back... those clear embellishments should be worthy of a suspension (a game). Its totally against the spirit of the game...
  7. Mic drops... well said. enjoy it while it lasts...
  8. Would be amazing, if he could be a fit with Miller and Boeser. Then they could slide Suter down the line up to replace Aman.
  9. Spot on Hammer... I like, we are far more physical, than we used to be. Everybody buys into it and if a gaffe now and again is the consequence, so be it... I said way back yesterday, that Juulsen was the problems v Peg, even though he was singled out. Hell, he even scored one of our two goals... a 6th-7th dman, and he is supposed to be the reason we lost? The forward couldn't find a way through Hellenblablabla (can't spell his name), and that's where the dog was buried. We used to hear non stop stories about us only winning because of Demmer playing out of his skin, but all teams ride their goalies now and again. We are in a far better position than we've been in a long time...
  10. This..... Blatant embellishment should be an automatic 1 game suspension... its embarrashing and it ruins the value of the game as being tough sport.
  11. Aye, but his general play has improved plenty fold this season. I didn't think, he'd make it last season... he has definitely improved.
  12. He's been what the doctor ordered on the backend since Soucy went down. Really solid defensive dman. was actually surprised to see him score on the rush, as I though he'd get a nose bleed venturing too far over the blue line. To me he is the unsung hero of the season, and yes he will only improve with this.
  13. Wonder if Tocchet is trying figure out how much he can rely on the 3rd pairing v top teams? Some how he has to find a way, to ease Hughes ice time, or he'll burn out...
  14. Yes they have been excellent. I know they lost to pegs, a team we've struggled against like forever, but I think it was their goalie, who beat us... reminded me a bit of Tim Thomas... up to the point of 2 mistakes, I thought it was an even game, in which we had very good chances, but just couldn't bury one. Lets see how we fare against Rat boy and co next time, as well as the Avs and Kings. I thought the turning point was Lowry beating up MDG... we went out for revenge, or to show we can play with physicality, and lost our shap a bit because of it. All a good learning process for the team.
  15. Absolutely... good part is, with the way they've racked up points during the first 2/3 of the season, there are room for trying various things, without fear of being out of it. They need
  16. Yep... they are learning on the job... So far they've done ok, but haven't really done anything yet... They have 1/3 of the season left to figure it out...
  17. Same everywhere, in all sports now... Years ago Roy Keane called out the Prawn brigade at Old Trafford as the reason for lack of atmosphere... Big issue when sports gets taken over by suits, who are more interested in being seen, that supporting their team...
  18. You said my post made you laugh... I told, I was happy I made you laugh... I have zero idea, if you are the happiest person in the world or not with regards to the Canucks. But your lack of positivity suggests you are not. Regardless, this is just rubbish. Sorry it just is...
  19. Attack people... who exactly am I attacking here? On the very contrary, I think, I being very kind and friendly to all the posters here. But since you ask me, which point is wrong in what I've said? the is the BEST SEASON EVER IN CANUCKS HISTORY so far, so why shouldn't I be happy, and futhermore which point is wrong with certain posters only appearing, when the team is losing? And to that since we aren't losing much, We don't see much of those posters. In the end I could care less if folks wants to be unhappy about the team. Won't seay me in any way, shape or form. What I struggle to fathom is why people chose to be pissy, while the team in general is doing fabulous. It feels like, you think, I've singled you out? Nothing could be further from the truth, but if you try to convince me, poster, who 9nly posts when the team is losing, are fans, then we disagree.
  20. Glad I'm able to make you laugh... you should try it. It actually helps to be a jolly person. This team is on the best run so far of ANY CANUCKS TEAM IN HISTORY... let that sink in for a moment. THE BEST... Once you've thought about that, maybe you can understand the frustrations of others with the constant whining, if they lose a game... How did you survive the previous years, you watched the Canucks? I have zero problems with folks and different view points, but I do enjoy the positivity on this forum, when the team is doing well... And yes there are poster, who just appear, when the team is losing... And yes as I said.... we don't that much of them, as the team is mostly winning just now. So laugh out loud, I know, I am... but I do it with joy over us having one heck of a season, how about you? PS. I don't think, I am more of a fan than anyone else, but I am definitely more of a glass half full than glss half empty, when it comes to the Canucks.
  21. Well on a good note we haven't seen much of them this year
  22. He shouldn't... if it wasn't for his goa,l we wouldn't have been in it to start with.
  23. Best Canucks team in history up to this point point wise, (think its still the case), and yet they suck yeah right...
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