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Everything posted by spook007

  1. I seem to recall a lot of these comments were the same leading up to the bubble playoffs... Canucks can't handle Blues to tough and heavy, Canucks can't handle wild Canucks can't handle Vegas (while true) it went to game 7. Point being, just because we lost to Boston and Jets, doesn't mean we won't beat them in the play offs... have faith... Maybe not winning these close games is a blessing in disguise... It's going to be hard and a real struggle, but now the players know it too...
  2. Spot on... Juulsen will learn from this... He has been really good since he became a permanent member of the D core. And he is one of our best and bravest PK defenders... Struggling to understand all the crying and finger pointing towards the defence... The forwards scored ZERO goal despite creating lots of opportunities, and the PP is really the issue... They are being held scoreless too easy... reminds me of the Sedins, when their PP went into a dark hole....pass pass pass pass......pass pass pass. Its was a good game, and an exciting game... had playoffs feel to it all the way through... Would love to see a Tuch, or somebody, who can swing them, without being lost of the ice...Need a bit more bite. Finally, Mika is a black hole just now, man he is snake bitten.
  3. A bit much maybe... he has been playing really well, and is probably our best PK defender...
  4. Well they kinda did... the last two goal were probably due to Juulsen going out of his way to plaster them... A bit unfortunate result on them both...
  5. Don't really have any show pieces... Too expensive. had a nice 30 year Glen Livit... Went down a treat. But probably have the standard ones Glern Morangie, Glen Fiddich, Highland park, Glen Moray, Singleton, Monkey shoulder, Dewars and Famous grouse (Irish coffee)... are the ones I have together with my Livits and Macallan... I am actually prefer Spicy Rum, so I've got more of them.
  6. Social drinker... prefer to go out for a few instead of sitting home... In saying that, I have a few selected ready for play offs time. Nowhere to watch the games at 3am and have a drink at the same time here
  7. I'll help you Don't have that many whiskies but guess 30-40 bottles of liquor of various kind, so there is mostly something for any visitor....
  8. And getting the right players in on good deals... Manament has done wonders...
  9. Canucks are becoming relevant again, and they are winning.... so now they are being targeted... Somethings never change...
  10. Hughes the goon...The softest slashing call I've ever seen.... Team is rolling... Defence playing well, again, and its refreshing to actually have confidence in the D. Obviously helps that the forwards cover for the Dmen, when they venture into the O=zone.... structure... Saturday is going to be big... looking forward to it already...
  11. Love when he talks, he doesn't sound like somebody. who just wants to get it done with... honest and straight talking... like him a lot...
  12. Doubt it was planned... if it was, he wouldn't have been fired.
  13. Wouldn't mind Benning there... might have a few good deals available But don't do deals with Gillis...
  14. You know the old saying.. " don't throw stones, if you have birds....
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