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Everything posted by spook007

  1. What do you know about his demands? Miller will have been delighted to sign a deal taking him to 36...
  2. Think part of it is to do with the early starts... not sure... but all teams go through spells, where it doesn't roll perfectly...
  3. NHL player safety already preparing for the Canucks in the play offs.
  4. Yeah its a bit over the top for some.... there are 5 groups 1. yeah Canucks are the best regardless 2. canucks is my team and just about perfect 3. Canucks are ok, still probably could be better with some changes. 4. Canucks need to make changes, players are not good enough, and their trades not the best. 5. Canucks suck, doesn't matter if they are top in the NHL, they suck... Luckily the vast majority is in group 2 and 3, although everytime we lose a game, a section seems to fall into group 4.... The 2-5 poster in Group 5 will never change. The could win the Cup, and they'd still moan about how or why.... And they already have their book of excuses and moans ready, should the wheels come off.... We are all Canucks... (even Group 5... maybe)
  5. Agree... teams will be up for games against Canucks from now on in... Although the penalty shot given was definitely not a play offs hockey call....
  6. Oh well... got a point. Great game by Juulsen. Joshua and Hogs also good.... Petey 3 points.... are we still trading him?
  7. Exactly, and if he gets too expensive to re-sign in the offseason, or they feel he doesn't fit, they can let him go without having to wheel and deal for him... Its a brilliant trade... Most of the disappointment was probably the fact, we won't get see Kuz smiling face while eating bananas and drinking Pepsi... Its only the 1st that hurts ( and hopefully it'll be so late, it doesn't really matter, except for boredom on draft day)... Hunter leaving was also disappointing, but hearing they'd struggle to sign him made the pain go away quicker than 2 paracetamols.... On the + side, if Lindholm works out and we can sign him without breaking the bank we'll have 2 top line players signed long time, with Petey probably next... That would be good for the future.
  8. Garland will be gone in the off season... He's value is at an all time high just now, and while we were talking about sweeteners to get rid of him last summer, we may actually get something in return now... Decisions needs to be made over the summer. Not just for next year, but for the next 3 years to cover serious raises and Cap penalties... Mika likely gone as well and Bluegar as well. Myers and/or Cole likely as well, especially with Juulsen showing he can play 3rd pairing minutes... The best part is, due to the great play of the boys this year, it likely won't have to cost us picks or prospects to trim the squad... win/win
  9. Flipping hell... A stinking game by Petey, and now he is chopped liver? No player over $9M on the roster? Talk about the sky is falling after 1 game.... 1 game ffs... There is more moaning and bitching here than when the team was floating about under Benning and Green/Bruce.... Just to bring a little perspective in... the team sits 1st in the NHL... 1ST..... maybe go take a couple of deep breath and slightly re-evaluate the expectations... It was 1 game against Boston, 1 game... and as much as I hate the scumbag Bruins, mainly due to the history, but holy Batman... Let change the whole roster, and start all over...
  10. We don't really know the ins and outs of the contract negotiations. Maybe he was offered $8M for 4 years or $9M for 7 years... and not happy about it. Maybe he wants NTC and not getting it offered. Maybe management have told him its all on hold till the off season (despite what they say). Or maybe Petey just had a crap game. He is still together with Miller our top point producer, and only 25... He is entering his prime now. Another 5-6 years 100points or above? We'll see...
  11. Would we want to go into the play offs without a decent back up?
  12. DeSmith for Mittelstadt? At least Mittelstadt is a RFA and a C..... and we'll struggle to hold on to DeSmith this off season... Yeah I know, they are not going to let go of Desmith with the run we are on...
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