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Everything posted by spook007

  1. In the end Benning went up to the podium and called out the names of the players drafted. He had the final say. And the JT trade was unreal... slaughtered at the time of the trade. I wonder how many would still be unhappy about the trade today, BUT...... The whole organisation under his stewardship was a mess... The President was nothing more than a poster boy, and his plans were over ruled by FA and Benning. The proof is in the pudding, with how the whole organisation has been turned around, since JR took over. Bennings signings in general were overpaid and under performing... There didn't seem to be much plan in pairings, who could play with whom, and at times he looked out of his depth. However fact is also, Aquilini didn't want a total tear down to get better picks, so it became a mushy middle below average garbage show, that was good for nothing. Team was supposed to win, so they never really got into the bottom 3 picks except for once, when the lottery screwed them. Gillis said a tear down was needed and got canned for it, so Benning was likely no more than a puppet. Long story short, Benning made the picks (doesn't matter. who told who what) and he made the trade for JT.... these things can't be debated, so his picks are the definitely part of the success... However, for team building, both on and off the ice, its all down to JR/PA.
  2. If Myers destroys the Rat, just like he destroyed Duncan Keith, he'll be entering my personal wall of fame.... Man, I have an unhealthy dislike to that piece of shit rodent....
  3. Cheers Rocket... Just slightly forgotten how much I hate that little dirt bag... If anyone thinks we don't need a bit of steel for the playoffs, this should be enough to remind everyone... and that was a midseason game. The refs were brutal in the TD Garden. And Julien is and always will be a sweaty stinking pig...
  4. Good to hear... not a pleasant experience... But as the old saying goes... "what doesn't kill us, makes us stronger".. you hang in there amigo. As for the bottom D, I was really impressed with Juulsen. He is fearless when blocking shots, and has a bit of nastiness in him. But their all did their job... The boys were under pressure, but showed they are able to defend a lead, without having to outscore the opposition. Have a good feeling about this season.
  5. Hughes is a season away from being the top scoring defence man in Canucks history... at age 25... unbelievable... #superstar
  6. If you can't enjoy it now, you'll never get to enjoy it... This is prime time...
  7. Spot on... Juulsen really put his body on the line, and all 4 of the bottom d really played physical... a joy to watch and bodes well for play offs hockey. PS. Hope you feel better.
  8. 5-2 Canucks... Quinn Hughes Joshua GWG But will settle for Zadorov destroying the rat....
  9. He was always nailing players, but because his suspension history, he was always likely to get done... Loved him though as he made players play with their heads up....
  10. But we do have a 4th line that scores... That I think will make up for any failings of the 3rd line... Would love to have a Torres type forechecking though.
  11. The next Burrows.... (do we need him... )
  12. If we win the cup or go to the finals, who really cares? It's not as if we don't have any prospects now... If JR/PA thinks we will better suited for play offs by getting Lindholm onboard, I'm good with that...
  13. He knows, JT will put him over his knee, and teach manners, if he misbehaves...
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