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Everything posted by spook007

  1. Could we end up in a situation, where no move would be the right move? Have a lot of cap space, and maybe do some dealings instead?
  2. You know they'll be in on it...you just know it.... Good luck staying away bud
  3. Wouldn't that be something... after all was said and done, we end up with Lindholm...............................................................ans big Zad
  4. PS. Are you sitting comfortably and ready for the free agency battle... ? One thing about this management group is, there is always a better than average chance, that something involving Canucks will happen... The suspense thickens
  5. Wauh.... you don't seem to have much confidence in the managemant group Wei? Let FA open before we complain about the players they bring in
  6. Its a fair way to look at it... I disagree, but guess its the eye of the beholder... I believe, while he may be slightly overpaid, they did so because of his play with Garland... I still remember most of us a year ago were looking at, what sweetener to add to Garland to get him off the books... He was tried together with everyone and everything we had, and nothing worked... Now it can be debated whether its all down to Garland lineman or if it is down to Garland himself improving... What can't be debated was the massive improvement to the line Garland was part of... Management obviously thought that Joshua was the reason for that, and thus was prepared to pay in order to keep him. Whether Karlson, Pods, Ray etc could make up for that, we don't know, and PA was not going to wait to find out... What we do know is, that the line and the team performance dipped, when Anthony got injured last season... Now if one of the aforementioned players should be able to do, what Anthony does, it will be an added bonus, as more is needed... As for Hogs next contract, lets see him produce as well again or better before worrying too much about that... He's a goal scorer, but not a PK'er, and he can NOT drop them if needed... and while he is very tenacious, he still doesn't hit like Anthony does... And if he does, then we deal with that next season, when his contract is up... At least that is how I see it.
  7. Exactly... He's shown great chemistry with Garland... He is exactly, what I hope to find for Petey...
  8. Pretty sure he wouldn't as he would have been there instantly... but lets just hope that this will be the case, cause at the moment he hasn't moved the needle enough for management. Furthermore, management might (not saying they have) have gone a little higher than they normally would for him because of his insanely good chemistry with Garland... We spent an eternity finding a position for Garland, and we finally did... Actually thought they were going to trade Garland if Joshua was off somewhere else.. PKs, hits, drops them, scores and is part of one of the best 3rd lines in hockey... why are you so upset about him? That 3rd line was one of the success stories last season.... Not his fault they didn't come to terms with big Zad...
  9. Yeah once Hoglander drops the gloves after a thunderous hit and start fighting, we'll discuss his pay... until then, maybe just let him grow a little more..
  10. Spot on... we were a lot closer than most of us actually thought... I was one of those being happy with play offs, and winning one round, I considered a win... being so close to knocking one of the pre play offs favourites out just showed how good the team really was... The real test starts now... how to build on last seasons success without a few of the players that made it happen... it will be a real interesting off season and in particular, which direction the team takes in free agency.... Bring on Mondays frenzy...
  11. Totally get what you're saying amigo. I think management figure this was the team they could assemble, that would have thee biggest chance of going all the way... so they went all in... And tbf had they succeded, I doubt anybody would have cared about tomorrow PS. They may have intended to extend the players, just not at the numbers they were wanting.
  12. I saw the reports of $5M offered... I'm not sure, I saw anything on term though, as that might also have played a factor? If Zad wanted 7-8 years and or NTC etc they may have backed off... I am not going to pretend, I know, what value his contract should be, but management have done excellent up to now in almost everything they've done, so I don't see, why they can't continue to do so.... In saying that, they had a unicorn size wise, which we've been starved off for a long time... A big physical D man that could actually skate and play... Will be interesting to see how, and if they can replace him...
  13. It was actually a decent gamble... like every single attempt is... And lets see who comes in, as the cap space left open should be counted the other way, I guess? Imagine if Demko had stayed healthy? better than average chance we take 1 of the 4 we lost against Oilers... and the rest would be history...
  14. This..... And thank god they did.... it was the most fun and excited this fan base has been since 2012, despite the lock down play offs... It made us all believe again... Just look at the amount of posts that has been written this offseason, despite us not picking in the 1st 3 rounds... We may or may not like/understand management's decision on various players, but they gave us hope... no reason to believe they won't do that again... Anf yes, with a healthy Demko and Brock available in game 7, we might have been playing Panthers in the finals instead... Who would have thought that possible a year ago except Alf and perhaps Apollo, wherever he is now...
  15. Lindholm took a bit of time to get settled, but he was great during the play offs... 10 points in 13 games...
  16. Absolutely agree... It was just that Miller was dropping them prior to Zad coming here... Not getting Zad in the line up leaves a hole...a massive one... Time will tell how or if they will address this...
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