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Everything posted by spook007

  1. McD lifting his arm as if he just won a heavyweight bout... moron...
  2. And the plot thickens.... If this is really the case, then thank the all mighty they traded him out of the organisation... Doesn't mater if he will be good or a superstar... Don't need the drama... So long and good luck
  3. Can't remember if he did, but the game wasn't decided by one open net... The team didn't/couldn't adjust to the game Bruins was playing. When our goal scoring dried up and the PP in particular didn't work, we were finished. This is, where I think this team is better... We don't live and die by our PP... This team has lots of ways to win, and despite us struggling against Flyers and Blues, I believe we are able to play against heavier team as well. Getting Lindholm will definitely help us in that department. Still think we could do with a hard nosed knuckle dragging winger, but can live without if needed... Lets go for it...
  4. Yes exactly... You make your own luck, or at least help it along the way... What's the point of drafting star players if not going for it? Imagine Blackhawks saying, we better wait because Toews and Kane are you young and we may need to get stronger? When you have the wind in your sails you use it to your advantage.... Don't wait for it to maybe change to a more favourable direction. We have been unhappy about sucking for the last 12 years, and now the players produced as a result of sucking are top of the league. They wanna win now. Not tomorrow or next year, or in 3 years... NOW... Players want to win... they are getting paid well, but they are still in it to be the best they can be.
  5. True... And fair play on the Bruins... they did, what they had to do to win... We couldn't play the way we had all season, and failed at the final hurdle... I was angry at the time, and felt cheated... fact is, we didn't do enough. Who knows, if we had battered the shit out of Marchand, if Rome hadn't made a daft play in the middle of the ice (joke of a suspension), if that sweaty pig Julien hadn't had prime time complaining about Canucks players antics, without being challenged on it, while his own team was diving and cheating all over the ice...if and if... if the NHL had wanted the best team in the league to win a cup, and not the Bruins... if and if... Still think they should have run Thomas, and taken on Chara... They beat us physically... and the rest is history...
  6. Sorry bud... Here is something to cheer you up... we've got 6 players in the NHL all stars, And Quinn Hughes has hit the gym.... needs stronger arms for all the lifting
  7. Bingo.... Keep saying it over and over again... Gotta strike while the iron is hot... Any of our star players could get an injury (god forbid), and we witnessed how long it took for Brock to come back properly after hitting the open door. Or they could just lose form... it happens. They are all playing well, and if Demmer becomes bubble Demko, we have as big a chance as any, if not bigger. So let's go and win this thing. Some still worry about the future and rightfully so, but there has to be a middle ground, where we show how much we believe in this team....or not. If we don't go for it now, what signal does it send to our star players? "We don't think you are good enough, so we wait...?" No wonder if they'd rather seek elsewhere or seek the $'s...
  8. Yep... he was definitely one of the major reasons... Often wished they had run him a couple of times, but bar Torres we struggled to cope physically.... Just to let him be concerned about himself for a change...
  9. Yep, that was a massive problem... as the rest of the team was done by injuries... Funny thing was, Rome was the whipping boy, while here, but despite being vilified his suspensions the final nail in the coffin.
  10. Didn't score enough... like 8 goals in 7 games... Tim Thomas, Roberto Luongo, Injuries, weird NHL rulings, diving, Marchand etc etc etc... In the end we just didn't score enough goals. Still hurts to think about...
  11. Thank you... Both teams gained in this trade. Calgary got various parts that may be usable going forward for an UFA, that likely was going to leave. And Canucks got a player they feel can help them during play offs. Long term they may have acquired a 2C or at worst they've gained some cap space for next season.... If Flames fans are happy good for them.... One thing is for certain, they'd much rather be in our shoes than their, if they had the choice... happy or not.
  12. Yes remember the day very well... Some people were enraged... 3rd liner etc etc... Miller has been fantastic here, especially since Tocchet took over.
  13. Yes and Lindholm was a 41 goal scorer 2 years ago... juts is a throw in and so is the 4th... So we are really down to the 1st (very late likely) and Hunter B.... They didn't have to sell Lindholm to Canucks, a divisional rival... Canucks probably had to add the pick and use HB for them to bite... They lost Zad for a 5th, and their fans might not have been happy, if they sold low on him to Canucks... If he finds form and we do well in the play offs, it's been worth it. And if he does well and re-signs its actually a good bit of business for the near future.
  14. Don't think its a steep price... It's a chance and at worst it will have cost us HB (who may/may not be something, and a late 1st.... and gained cap space... This year and next we need to make a push, and then we'll likely have 2 years where we make some roster changes and get younger... JR said it in an interview that we had many prospects, probably too many, so if that's how the feel I'm good.
  15. Garland also JB (not to split hairs...) Bennings pro scouting sucked... except for Miller there were so many misses it was unreal.
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