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Everything posted by spook007

  1. Water is wet and the sky is blue.... After turning this team around and into a playoffs team, as well as making just about every single player better, its hardly rocket science Tocchet will be offered an extension... and rightfully so.
  2. I think, even if he stay at his home 350 days a year, he'll still be our President... The way they have turned this franchise around, will make FA tell them to name their number... Quite simply amazing...
  3. This is the best part about this management team... they have done well in most of the trades they've done so far... huge credit to them for that. Without doubt they've been lucky with how the opportunities have presented themselves along the way, but you got to be good to be lucky vice verse
  4. That is very likely the case... I don't see us getting in there neither... My only concern was us not doing, what was right for us... or as I see it, right for us
  5. Cheers amigo... This was exactly my point. they want an experienced vet, while we are trying to open up cap space for a 2C... Kuz to Rangers just makes sense...
  6. Cheers Coconut... No I understand that part. My issue is, if you make a trade, a player like Kuzmenko would surely be a player of interest to Rangers, as well as a big money move from Vancouver. We need cap space, if we want to make moves, and next season we need to shed some cap with bigger contracts to be signed. Thus I would have thought trades like cuz or Mik together with our 1st or something along these line would be of more benefit to both parties.... Hogs is definitely a bottom 6 player and most likely also a top 6 player, so I'll be very weary of letting him go. Maybe less so Podz, but unless its guaranteed players, I'm not so quick on the draw as some... (although JR/PA are... ) Agree 100% on the issues with size and the 3rd line... I'm sure Hogs is groomed for a role there... If nothing else, he is a dog on a bone, with the ability to score great goals... He may even be promoted to one of the top 2 lines (if he shows consistency, and the 3rd line remains)...
  7. I think Hogs is being groomed into a future top 6 role.... Let him learn the ropes. Give him confidence and slowly let him play with the better players. For once this organisation has enough depth not to throw youngster into the water and shout, swim or sink... Hogs will be a top 9 player and possibly even a top 6 player... he is already a top 9 player, but they probably don't like the idea of Hogs with Garland on a line... size matters...
  8. Just wondering... Podz is having a good season in the AHL. By all reports and from people watching him regularly, he is developing fine into a power forward with top 9 potential. Some already wants him on the big team now, and he is cheap. Just like Hogs.... Why are folks so quick to put these two into every trade proposal? Kaako has shown nothing yet, and although he obviously has huge potential, he is obviously not improving, otherwise Rangers wouldn't let him go. Don't have a problem trading for him, but sure it should be to gain other advantages such as cap space etc., which can be used to get play off players... Once this season is over we need cheap contracts, so both Hogs (who btw IS an NHL player) and Podz will come in handy... Careful we don't trade away our own NHL potential players for scrubs regardless. of how high they were drafted....
  9. Well guess it would be one way of alienating 90% of the fan base in one swoop, while losing all the good will earned over the last year and a half.... If nothing else the gifs and memes alone were worth the proposal
  10. 5-2 Canucks Brock first ASG petey winner
  11. Even though I'm neither, I'll comment amigo. I will find it hard to let go of Willander, who by all means are progressing as well as we could hope for atm, for a 'potentially self entitled Dman... Jiricek may be good, and it may not be his fault things aren't going to plan at Columbus, but find players voicing their displeasure through the media, less appealing. He sound like a me first player, and if he does become a player, I think he will be very demanding come contract time. It may be an unfair assessment, but giving up on a blue chip RHD for a blue chip with a potential chip on his should doesn't sound too appealing to me.
  12. Nope.... But there will be a bidding war, should they decide to get rid of him... he is still on ELC for another 2 seasons, so they don't need to sell to the first bidder.
  13. Yes without doubt the tide has turned into Canucks favour... Winning teams normally gets players to sign better value deals, as they wants to win.
  14. Would we trade Willander for a very late 1st and a former 39 goals scorer, who has been benched on several occasions and only scored 8 goals on a free scoring team?
  15. Think a top pairing rhd is a good bit more valuable, than a winger be it top 6 or top line potential... Think the late 1st is added would be a fair assessment ... Although him being unhappy puts it into a different light... Think there would be a bidding war for him, should he become available...
  16. My concern is more like going forward... He is going cost $ in a few years. He is in it for the money, so my main concern is how much is he going to cost going forward? Just looked it up. He is still going to be on ELC during the first year of OEL penalty, so yes that would go a long way in solving part of the problem.
  17. They may try... Doubt 2 scrubs and a very late 1st will get you a top pairing rhd drafts 6 OA less than 2 years ago.
  18. Cheers... I think Tocchet likes Laffy too... he his with a vengence and are brilliant on the forecheck... And at $1.1M he may be affordable on his next contract. I think they'll struggle to find money for Joshuas next contract. Especially if they plan on keeping Zad. They can only afford so many higher payed bottom 6 fwds and bottom 4 pairing dmen, with Peteys and Hroneks next contracts + cap penalties.
  19. Why do you think Lafferty is gone?
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