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Everything posted by spook007

  1. I'd be feared of breaking up the Garland line, which seems to be the only one working constantly...
  2. Tbh I'd be fine, if that is the case, but it seems to be very random, when or how much is allowed. I'm not too concerned about the point, and I am fine with the team learning the ropes prior to the play offs... However, it feels very random, when penalties are given, and that must be of huge frustration to the players and coaches alike. Don't think there was much difference between the goal, and the earlier 'goal' which was cancelled due to a cross check penalty... I think the position where the cross check was given was almost in the same position? I do agree though that Petey learning he can't fall every time he gets challenged will be good for him later on in the season and his career...
  3. They had a spirited come back, but unfortunately couldn't get 2 points out of it. Only real disappointment for me was Boeser missing a sitter (or at least for him, a sitter)... hope he doesn't lose confidence, as we need him to put the puck in the net... And somebody explain to me, what is a crowd check, and if the ref didn't think it was hard enough for a cross check, what is interference... Puck nowhere near Petey, when he gets cross checked. Its not as if the refs had a lot of players to pay attention to... Nevermind... somebody posted that the 2010-2011 team went of a nine game points run after reaching 40 points... 6-0-3 I think it was... so far this team is 2-0-1, so they are still in the hunt to break the highest points total... Good on them for not giving up....
  4. Yes I hope so... I have a good feeling about this year, and don't want anything to derail it. I have to say, that despite it being a scumbag move with the Wheelchair stunt (guess that's what we are talking about), rape is another level... And yes Torts would tear him a new one, and good on him... always liked Torts, still do...
  5. Sorry to hear that Stawns... nobody shoulder have to go through this... I hope you are ok, with what happened to you then, and it didn't ruin your life.
  6. Hi Tocchet, what about Adams son and his alleged sexual assault? There is nothothg next question.. Yes but how can you be certain Adam didn't cover up for his son...? There is nothing next question... etc etc etc In the press... Vancouver management team (of which one is fighting rape charges with his son) bla bla bla.... NHL to refs... get Vancouver out as we can't afford that kind of press.... Yes I know, there is zero proof of that being the case, just like there were no proof of Rome getting a 4 match suspension had anything to do with Boston boss running the NHL...
  7. Yes maybe... I don't know, how I would feel if my son was convicted of gang rape of a woman. I would always love him, but.... I guess, for me at least, it would depend on a lot of things.
  8. Lets just hope that is true... I could easily see the Toronto press trying to disrupt the Canucks by keeping focus on this, if we were to meet the leafs (SCF yummy) or the Oilers in a play offs round. Again hopefully I'm wrong, but the lack of support in 2011 hasn't been forgotten.
  9. Until the young man has been convicted, most parents would support their kids... They may not like the choices they've taken, but they won't just drop their kids, because a woman is accusing them of sexual assault... If the boy told his parents they raped a girl, it might be a different story, but up to now its accusations... If the boys tells his parent the girl wanted to have sex with all, the parents, while nothing agreeing with it, would hardly dump to fend for himself. Tocchet of course brushed the question of, as he should, but it could still become a distraction. Hopefully not....after all it's not Adam Foote, who has been accused f anything.
  10. Of course they do... Bad press isn't good for anyone, however if a crime has been committed, they have to come clean. On a side note, Tocchet was already asked about Foote... exactly as I said 2 hours ago... and these questions is going to continue to come up. Not because they think Foote has knowledge of anything criminal, but to get an inside lane for a scoop...
  11. OK, but if he wasn't the coach at the time, its limited how much, they can interview him for. No more than they interview all the other coaches that has been involved with players afterwards.
  12. Not sure he has been interviewed, but obviously being the coach of his son's team, while this happened , they may ask if he had heard anything. I'm not sure if you have to give evidence against you own child, so... But yes this doesn't go away easily, despite the NHL trying bury it.
  13. If they think they can disturb the Canucks, I wouldn't put it past them... Lets be honest, this news and and the worse the news is, the more they dig and go on about it....
  14. Well if you don't think there will be press asking Foote or Tocchet about, what they know about this, you are a better person than me...
  15. Aye... but let's not make 2+2 = 5.... Tocchet has been allowed by the NHL to coach. Not just the Canucks but Arizona as well, so that is quickly killed... Adam Foote on the other hand would be drawn into every press related, and that would be a distraction.
  16. If it comes to that, he steps back.... Can't have the distraction hang around this team.... And we all know, there are many who would give their right arm to derail this Canucks teams success...
  17. Short statement would be he has no knowledge of anything that may/may not have happened, and for further questions, please contact Canucks head office. That should be that... Don't let the vultures get any blood....
  18. Most folks learns to carry on... time heals... unfortunately... And then there are the totally immoral empty heads.... and there are plenty of those... Women throwing themselves at them basically made them think they were above the law....
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