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Everything posted by spook007

  1. That is true, hence next season is when the decisions need to made, either during or at the end of next season.
  2. yes this is the joy of this season... Next season is when reality is going to hit home... Team needs to find Hornets and Peteys increases, + $5M for OEL... Big players will leave. Only questions is when and who...
  3. Its going to happen soon... Kuz or Boeser... $ matter... and unless Lekkerimaki is traded, we need room for him in the line up.
  4. 2 sides to the coin... If he really is struggling because of his knee, then yes get him on ltir to bank the cap space... however, you need to play to improve, and he is still improving... I actually think the second line is just about to break out... Tocchet has done wonders with just about every single player, so far.. Myers and Garland the standouts... but Joshua, Juulsen, Hogs etc etc are also much improved players... It will be interesting to see, how JR and PA sees it, as they have not been slow to pull the trigger so far...
  5. That I also agree upon... Could the process had gone quicker? Who knows... I hindsight we're all stars... I was never in the business of slagging off management, but he did mess up a few things, and we live and die with our decisions... Regardless, the organisation is bigger now, and if, what we hear is true, then it can only be better for the organisation as a whole. The fact its stream lined and they sing from the same hymn sheet is in itself a huge improvement from the previous management team. But yes, it would be a drag, should we have to go through the whole after Gillis saga again...
  6. They are sharp as knives in the management groups.... This is where they earn their keep....
  7. The club is operating at a total different level, than it was under Benning, and I wasn't even a Benning hater... The way they have found the pieces needed, and cheap supporting cast that plays well above their pay grade is amazing... Benning drafted well (I don't care what others say, but the core was drafted during his shift) so he was responsible for that. But bar Miller, his pro scouting team did poorly, and he did over pay for players that just didn't live up to expectation... This is not the case with this group... I am in awe tbh... long may it last.
  8. 100% ... Both Myers and Zadorov likes to roam... They need partners, who defensive responsible...
  9. Agree.... Do not think the 3 years is anything to go by... FA was willing to give JR the keys to the club for as long as wants, so sounded more like a rolling contract... And he definitely earned this as the President... The way he has turned this club around from top to bottom is astonishing to be honest.
  10. I don't think he'll be sent down then... he will be involved in a trade, if they can't find a place for him on the team... They are not giving away a C for free, who has just started to break through...
  11. Let's just say, I trust Allvin and JR to know, what needs to be done. They've (JR at least) have been around the block a few years, and they know better than any of us, what we have in our prospects, and how they are going to manage the cap going forward... Time will tell
  12. I was just listening to the interview with Iain McIntyre... He wants them to go all in, and I can understand that. However, what if they fall flat on their faces? what are they going to supplement the team with next season, or even worse, once the next contracts hits, who are going to fill the spaces... The press are the first to slaughter the team, when they are not doing well, button they want to sell everything for a run?... With Cap issues coming up, if they make a move, it should be for 'cheap' rental, or a player with a good contract, they can fit into the team for years ahead... I'll use the first, and a few depth players, but I'd be weary of letting players like Kuz leave, unless Tocchet has given up on him, which I don't think is the case... (could be show casing him, but doubt it)... So there will be the big issue of cap space... not an easy job to improve this team...
  13. Yep, thing is though, its hard to predict the future of talents, as well as how well new players would work as a team, hence when you've found gold, you strike... I agree however, I am none too interested in selling, what we hope is going to be our 2 top players in the future (Lekkerimaki and Willander)... We are still having to operate within the cap, and need as close to sure things as we can get for that...
  14. I was not impressed with Leafs defensive display against the Canucks, and in particular Nylander trying to hide instead of trying to block the 3 goal for Canucks... I would fancy Canucks to take a series against Leafs 4-1 or 4-2, but un fortunately that isn't going to happen...
  15. Maybe... doubt it I think more likely they all end up somewhere in a US tax haven if they really want to leave their teams. Personally I'd prefer Bedard, but doubt that happens aa well...
  16. True, but a restock doesn't give them back players of their caliber... It will likely be lesser players, and prospects/picks... So its a huge question mark, what happens next. I believe, we have 2 windows... this year and next, and in 3 and onwards... But it depends on us holding on to the core players.
  17. Well only if they can keep a hold of Petey and QH... If QH leaves at the end of his contract it may start to fall apart...
  18. You're damn right I am... I was so pleased to see him smile ad play with a spring in his step... His future may be in Vancouver or it may be somewhere else, but glad to see his tough love from Tocchet hasn't broken him. Tocchet may actually know, what he is doing.... who would have known... He is definitely the joker in the pack, and you definitely could see, how much he is loved by his team mates.... All teams need a boy to lift the mood, and there is zero doubt banana and coke boy is one of those... Go Kuz Go
  19. So lets find something to complain about... or a player to dump on... Wish folks would just realise this is something special....
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