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Everything posted by spook007

  1. Hearing all the leafs fans in the building is disappointing... especially since Nucks are doing so well... Time to pick it up a notch again.
  2. Arizona coach said the Canucks was the best team they've played in the 1 period that game... Maybe its true...
  3. They are absolutely destroying leafs... destroying them... on the ice and on the scoreboard. Utter Magic...
  4. Well we'll see in 4 years time... However you'll struggle to find a player nearly as good on a similar contract. If we get a cup, before he goes down hill, I don't think anyone will complain... Fact is we can't have it all... You got to find a mix within the cap, that will make this possible. Cheers... The mistake with Rachel Dorrie was, they hired a woman they shouldn't have... If it had been a male member of the backroom staff, that got canned because they didn't keep the info within the room, or what ever she did, would there be so much discussion about it? Actually come to think of it, the fact that we probably were the first team to hire women for the backroom staff, shows they are going places nobody were before. If the biggest mistake they make are sacking Dorrie (even with a court case) as soon as they felt she didn't live up to expectation, as well as the much publicised canning of Bruce, then I can definitely live with. I may be mistaken, but the OEL buy out can be debated, as can the length of the Miller contract, but I think we'll struggle to find anything else they have done, that didn't turn into gold. Hence I feel the unhappiness with JR/PA is very much unwarranted... As for Kuz and the treatment of him, it's on Tocchet, and again it can be debated, if they should just have left him, as the player he was. But the coach thinks, he can make him a better player, and wants him to play the system he wants.... Think its the same for most coaches. Finally, we can look into all the good that has happened over the last year and half under JR and PA and the positives definitely far out weights the negatives. Anyway, we don't have to agree on everything... that would be boring
  5. yes by all means have your own opinion, but some of the things you listed just isn't true. Miller @ $8M is an absolute steal of a contract. Riding the back of Demko and DeSmith is also fantacising... all our forward are in the top of scoring and in point, so while we probably have the best goalie tandem in the league, they are far from the only reason we are doing well (and btw goal keepers are part of the team and DeSmith was aquired by PA). As for Rachel Dorrie, thank god they have a management team in place that rectifies any mistake made instantly, instead of letting it fester and ruining the club. As for Kuzmenko... name me one club that doesn't have a player, struggling to fit into the system. Are we just going to let him float and do what he wants, while telling everyone else, they have to earn their minutes? His positives compared to his negatives has knocked it straight out of the park... homerun.
  6. Dinosaur or not... the managemant team he assembled, just got our team to 30wins the fastest in Canucks history. Just about everything he has touched so far has turned into gold. How about we put the knives down, and wait until they actually screw up, instead of nit picking to find something to dislike him for? His managements choices has been on point and while I was sorry to see the back of Bruce (it was mostly an entertaining time), the coach brought in an made them play winning hockey. Personally, I could care less if he used sign language, or gave the press and public the two finger salute, if the on ice product is a winning watchable one.... and I'm sure the paying customers feel the same. He is asked questions, and he answers honestly... no sugar coating, just like Tocchet. I'm a huge fan of that.
  7. Win the cup, give him the freaking keys to Rodgers and the city...
  8. I freaking love JR and Tocchet... Neither fannies about, but tells it as it is... After hearing Tocchet, I am not sure whether Kuz is history or not, but it is on point, what he says. He is trying to coach Kuz and teach him, but there can be no passengers... If he doesn't, play as expected, its unfair on the other players not to get recognised with more minutes... Looks like he is just about to explode with all the questions regarding Kuzmenko... Can even imagine him asking PA to trade Kuz as its becoming a distraction...
  9. Maybe, however our 3rd line now scores more than their 3rd line. Guess we'll find out soon enough...
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