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Everything posted by spook007

  1. Unless management thinks Petey is leaving, in which case they may as well go full in, I doubt they will be doing anything that involves Lekki or Willander... In the end, JR/PA has been around a long time, and they will know, what will be available at TDL, and more importantly at what cost. With OELs buy out cap starting to accumulate from next season, they are well aware the first window may be closing fast, before reopening in 3 years. And lets not forget, the management team isn't knowing for standing pat, if there is a deal available... It will be an interesting time leading up to TDL...
  2. Very doubtful they trade away any starting D or the back up goalie... Maybe if they trade for another D, but can't see DeSmith being part of any trade... he is partly the reason we are , where we are...
  3. Think its the fans call.... Any one of the players could be gone tomorrow, but YOU will always be there... Hence your opinion is more important.
  4. I don't disagree, and not sure if there is anything we disagree upon Laughing as I'm not sure, why everything is highlighted, and then I like your final salvo Petey will not be traded... he knows it, Management knows it... Unless he specifically don't want to be here, he'll get re-signed....
  5. He wants to win... He has stated that numerous times... They'll make the play offs yes, but the previous few years they were also HOPING for playoffs, though it never happened. Lets just say he signs for 8 years, they get knocked out in the first round, and the club starts a mini rebuild, as half the team will be too expensive to re-sign, then he could potentially seriously regret his choice... HOW ABOUT THAT... LIKE.... He's seen what happened to Horvat. 8 years a good soldier and Captain of the team, and when they finally may become a play offs team, he is shipped out... Maybe he and QH has already spoken about the future, and QH has stated he want to play in US once his contract is up??? In which case Petey may only want to sign for 3 years (very doubtful but nobody knows, what the reason is). This is a contract negotiation, where he holds nearly all the Aces... He is in no hurry, and why should he be? Because you can't wait for him to sign a new contract? If I was in his shoes, I'd definitely take my time as well... And for all we know, a new contract may already have been agreed upon, but left to be signed later as a nice little present to all the Canucks fans. We all know there is zero chance he is being trade before the play offs, unless its for Bedard or something will like that. Fact is nobody outside the inner circle of Canucks management, Petey and his agent has a clue....
  6. Exactly, as we said at the start of the season, where people wanted to continue building and go for it in 2-3 years time... Not a huge surprise that players doing well want to see cash...
  7. Miller is fabulous, and thank god we have him in our top 6. Think Hammers concern rests with Miller having to do all the heavy lifting himself atm. Leading, Hitting, fighting, protecting, PK, PP etc etc... I would be good to have somebody else taking some of the workload of him. He may run out of steam during the playoffs otherwise.... Maybe not, but while we have improved tremendusly on the back end, outside Miller and Joshua (and partially Laf). We don't have any deterent.... In saying all the above, f it, lets run with the horses we've got, and see where it leads. The real test of where this team is really at awaits in the playoffs.
  8. If they pull a similar trade of like those two, i'll help run the cement mixer for the foundation to the JR/PA statue that surely will be erected in front of Rodgers.
  9. Absolutely.... Especially after reason exploits in WJR... That is definitely something other GMs would be drooling over... But please don't let it happen...
  10. Well that is just it... if they could get going again, we could be golden... In saying that, I still think we need a player, who plays a heavy game to support Miller in that department.
  11. Yes, maybe it is just that... Hope so as it could be found gold should they find the melody again... Thought he looked good with Petey, but then again everyone does... I get ,what @Hammertime is concerned about... If Mika doesn't play to his size, the only real fight in the top six in Miler, and he might very well be targeted if he has to play all roles himself... We may need 1 more, who can play a heavy game. Nice 5 block, but for now I'd settle for Kuz and Mik hitting the heights again I don't see them getting Ek but.... You never know
  12. true... he won't grind anyone down with that... he has the size, but does he have the edge in his game?.... doesn't look like it.
  13. Agree on each point... Especially the fact we have the majority on 2-3 years contract makes it good. A lot of folks will worry about losing players along the way, and we will without doubt, but it also gives us flexibility, in case a player doesn't work out, or we have issues cap wise. Especially after seeing Allvin pulling rabbit after rabbit out the hat (they did the same in Pittsburg, with only Crosby, Malkin, Letang and Fleury being long term contracts). I don't mind players like Miller on his long term contract, as there were no way we'd get him signed to a short term contract at that cap. Same with Hughes, Petey and Demko, but the rest are replaceable over time. And yes I believe they he did fly to Sweden to negotiate with the Sedins... In the end Petey and Hughes are the lights on this train and together with Miller an Demko are the core. PS. Yes also expect Hronek to come in on a long term contract... both to keep term down, to show ambition to Hughes and finally because RHDs are so hard to get hold of.
  14. Yeah, don't know what has happen to Mika... He seems snake bitten and a lack of confidence.... Maybe just maybe a better C can lift them both another 5-10%... I actually think Kuz has improved as a player... for whatever reason the puck just doesn't go into the net... Saw someone put some numbers up stating, while they aren't scoring they are playing a sound defensive game, so it is not all negative. If Kuz finds his mojo and 'lucky' socks again, the second line could be golden.
  15. You just don't trade Petey... His camp knows that and JR/PA knows that.... they are doing a little tit for tat, trying to make the contract as favourable for Canucks as longs as Petey's wishes are met. I'm sure Petey wants to see, where this run takes us... He has just been through the Benning tenure, with all ups and downs. Sacking of Bruce, whom they all liked. OEL chucked out as well as L.E. both players, who seemed to be liked by Petey, so he want's to make sure, he is getting, what he wants. Most likely a 3-4 year deal at good money, thus being able to choose himself, whether he likes the route, the club is taking.... The fact he can get an even bigger slice once they see what the cap will be in 3-4 years, + the team getting to the other side of the OEL cap hell, before signing a 7-8 year end of career contract somewhere. be it Vancouver or else where. I think he likes it here, but they all know, it is a business. Sedins at the height of their powers also didn't sign to the off season at the end of their c contract. And Petey didn't mind leaving it late last time around.
  16. I'd be ok with that... don't touch Tom and Lekkerimaki... other than that no issues.
  17. Agree... this is a very good point. He can't do all the heavy lifting alone... If they can't get a tough 2C, at least get a big body that can play top 6...
  18. would be disappointed if Willander is traded as part of a package... Lekki and Tom should be untouchables... they have to be fill ins once OELs cap hell hits.
  19. If this place is so bad, why come...? As for being called out... the negativity is what folks reacts to... So long.
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