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Everything posted by spook007

  1. Cheers Amigo. Have a feeling we are heading into a really special time in the history of the Canucks... The team has the depth required and toughness required to go toe to toe with anyone in the league... Will it be sufficient, who knows, but they are legit... Just so damn happy to watch them play, and love they are making all the nay sayers eat their words... Life as a Canucks fan is great. PS. Can I just add, I so damn happy for all the long suffering Canucks fans as well.... They deserve this team. Lets bring it home.
  2. What a cracking performance after all the adversity they've had to put up with leading up to the game... It was obvious they were skating in mud and their heads were on the way home to Vancouver long before the shootout. I would have been happy with 7 points from the road trip, but they showed their true colours, and managed 11 out of 14 points. Really proud of the them all... DeSmith must surely be the best back up in the league... Finally, It was great to see them talk to Derek Dorsett.... the boy was all heart. His heart is still in Vancouver.
  3. Miller is our Iginla.... He is irreplaceable in this sort of form... Talk about leading from the front...
  4. You @IBatch I think the people least concerned about the colours and logo are the players... They change teams regularly, so it is of less Importance to them than the fans. They may not even play for the teams they supported as youngsters... Anyway you may be right, that it could be correcting a wrong made years ago. It just feels Its the fans, who really associate with colours and logos... I just feel it's like a carousel ride at the carnivals... The teams and fans of the team wants the league to take them serious, but they can't even figure out amongst themselves what the jerseys should look like... Would I survive, yes absolutely and my allegiance wouldn't change, so by all means...
  5. True, I don't I'm not surprised to hear they buy it crazy, as it is really fashionable. However I think they'd buy any jersey that represents the Canucks, regardless of logo etc. That is kind of the sad part for me, as I feel the club/franchise loses its identity, when you change colours and logo of your main Jersey... I'm record many time stating how much I dig the Skate jersey, so I won't be sad to see it return, but as sad as many may have been, seeing it vanish in favour of the Orca, as sad will a lot of people be seeing the Orca vanish. By all means, I'd buy the skate jersey if it becomes the main jersey, but i am just as likely to buy it should it be an alternate or third jersey for the club. You want a club you can relate to, you want the main colours to remain the same.
  6. This times 100.... Great post. Best part is, the core is not at top of their careers bar one... This team has the potential to be relevant for the next 6-7 years at least. Don't rob Peter to pay Paul... An add would be nice, but do not give up our entire future for very little extra.
  7. Not sure what to do really. The skate jersey is one of the coolest most fashionable iconic jerseys ever made. If they were reintroduced, you'd see them everywhere, but..... You have a generation of 'youngsters', who has grown up with the Orca, and for them a break will like feel as weird/hard as it did for the Skate generation. Its actually a strange thing this total colour change of jerseys. If you tried to do that in a football (soccer) club, you'd probably have to go into hiding. Imagine United playing in blue or yellow as their main jersey... or Glasgow Celtic dropping their hoops... I'm not sure the fans in Boston, N.Y. Or Toronto would be too understanding should Bruins, Rangers or Laughs totally change their colours and designs of their main jerseys. Hence as much as I love the skate jersey (to me the coolest jersey Canucks have ever had), I think they have to stick with their colours as the main jersey. If not, it makes the franchise look like a carneval going to the highest bidder. Its either a franchise with roots, or it is not... Franchise/Club colours/designs matter... So for me, after thinking about this for some time, the Skate jersey is/would be a cool alternate jersey, but the orca should remain the main jersey. That's my 5 cents.
  8. We have Kuz benched for not playing a good enough 2 way game (allegedly). Don't thi k Laine will fit in...
  9. Me too.... lets make a me too movement...
  10. Bingo... Was actually thinking the same thing the other day. Teams can not be built to win the SC without one or two top 2 or 3 picks.. Lets see, where it leads, but the team is looking really good atm.
  11. Gutsy win by the boys... They looked leggy at times, but found a way to win... That's what good teams do And Demko was unreal...
  12. I would have been happy coming home with a 0.500 record But this team is just too good... They are on a roll, and they don't want to give up on it... Fantastic...
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