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Everything posted by spook007

  1. Hoggy has been strong on the forecheck... Really all 4 lines have played well...
  2. Watching the Rangers feed.... They were really commenting on the 3rd line.... This is the Canucks 3rd line operating... Don't think they really are aware how good that line has been...
  3. Keep the Lotto line together and watch Petey and Miller reach 120+ points each... and Brock score 40+ goals... Fuck Messier
  4. And the fans in Maddison Square Garden are boo-ing... Life is good
  5. Demko in the zone... Kuz chasing back as fast as he can... good...
  6. Play offs atmosphere... both teams seems to be wanting to make a statement...
  7. Join the club amigo... I'm probably not the nicest guy in the world, but no.2 after you If folks have to leave their seats, they have to leave their seats... its not a prison sentence...
  8. Cheers, I am relaxed Nope to the Mountain shadow or Delaney's... unfortunately not. And sheltered life? good one... Its not just about defensive liability... It's about making him a better player. If Tocchet can add 5-10% to Kuzmenkos game, he is on to a winner, and he obviously think, he can... its his job to get the best out of all the available players, without letting the team loose like Bruce did... Can I just add that Boeser has actually added a bit to his game. I'm not sure you'll get much more out of Boeser than they are now, hence the reason there were a lot of trade proposals with him last season. I don't know, what is right or wrong, and I don't try to pretend, I do, but as long as Tocchet has the team playing like now, he has my full confidence, and I support the decisions made regarding the players. Maybe Tocchet wants Kuz to play a heavier game, than he can, in which case he will be traded and a heavy playing top 6 player will be acquired instead... if that is, what he wants...
  9. Give a man a shit roster at Arizona, and say he is a shit coach because he only lead them to play offs once... He is a few more stats about the man... Has led the Canucks to the best start ever in a season At the half way stage they are the best team in goals for, best team in goal differential and the team that has held the lead for most minutes... This with a team most 'pundit' oe 'experts' thought would struggle to make the play offs as a wild card team... I think we can quickly agree this is a massive improvement on the last 10 years... yes? On top of that the President of the club, who has led 2 teams to 3 Stanley Cups, think he is the right coach for the Vancouver Canucks. He has had him on his staff, while he was a GM, so forgive me, but I think he knows a lot more about Tocchet the coach than you and definitely I do. If this roll continues, he will be in the Jack Adams conversation at least, if not favourite for it.... Benching a player... cry me a river... Happens regularly. He want the players to play in a certain way, and tries using the tools available to achieve that... Its not like you and me coming up with things they should do, only to change the subject, when we are wrong, and move to something else... He lives and dies by his decision.... As for Kuzmenko, Like me, you don't have a clue, what is being said behind the scenes. You have no idea if it is going to work or not, and you see a player that is worse than Kuzmenko.... That is, what you see. I see a coach, who wants his players to attack as a team, and defend as team. No passengers... They are not even in their speeds or skills, but as long as you try, you'll get rewarded. If you don't, you may get benched. Simples really... Maybe Tocchet doesn't like Kuzmenkos aftershave, or he said something about Tocchets wife in the showers. Who knows, fact is Tocchet benched his several times, and I'd like to think its because he thinks he can get him to be a better player for the team, than he is. As for lets see, when he starts losing... How about we deal with that once we start losing. Are you really suggesting he shouldn't bench a player because they are winning... That is back to letting the inmates run the asylum... If you want your players to play in a certain way, you instruct them and then it's their job to follow your instructions, as far as possible. If they don't you take them off and let them ride the pine, or you put them in the press box... it really is that simple.
  10. No shame in that... I was on the fence as to whom should stay and who should go, but JR/PA had the advantage of not being as emotional invested as us... Allvin made the right choice, and thank god for that, but lets not forget that leading up to the decision being made, Miller had some less than savoury moments with half arsed back checking, slow changes, and in general things that could suggest he wasn't invested in the project. Some how Tocchet got through to him, and found the switch that turned the light on... He has been nothing less than sensational since Tocchet took over. And at $8M.... atm that is a steal... daylight robbery... He is the on ice Captain... Also think Allvin pulled a rabbit out of the hat, when he made Quinn captain. I often wondered, if the same issues, that seemed to linger between Bo and JT, would resurface between JT and Petey, if either were made the captain. Miller seems to have accepted the situation, and the way he constantly talks, directs and set up plays on the ice prior to puck drop, makes me really happy. Singing from the same song book is half the battle and they seem to be doing just that.
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