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Everything posted by spook007

  1. Hmmm.... It would be the same as saying McD isn't worth his contract as he had down turns during the season... As for sustaining an elite level over multiple seasons, he did it last year and this year and in parts the seasons before... A what age do you expect him to sustain elite level playing? Petey is 25 years old, and just entering his prime... The reason you pay him well, is you get him at his entire prime. He'll have all the forward records by the end of his career, if he is extended long term.
  2. If they tie him down to an 8 year extension, he'll top the list before the end of his contract, baring any injuries... Crazy to think Petey is being discussed regularly as for his value...
  3. Went on the piss last night, and forgot to guess... cost me at least 1 point
  4. Well, he was on Penguins coaching coaching staff, when they won the cup in 2016 and 2017... His GM at the time, thought he would be a great coach for Canucks. A GM, that led a team to the SC 3 times... Forgive me, but I believe he knows more about Hockey, Tocchet and the way to coach than anyone else here on these boards x 100... As for 'watching the games'... utter rubbish. What you know about, what is being said and done behind the scenes during Kuz benching... You don't even know, what he is being accused of... Its all speculation. So by watching the games, you think you know more than the coaching staff? Did you watch the game last night v Jersey... Lotto line together again and creating/scoring for fun, while being defensively responsible. Maybe just maybe the coaching staff think they can get 2 great lines, if they can get 5% more out of Kuz defensively. Kuz, who looked good again offensively had a lot of ice time... more than the the 'goal scoring 3rd line'. So its obviously not just about being in the dog house for Kuzmenko.
  5. Cheers amigo. Thanks for info... Looking at that list, everyone has gone on to have decent to really good careers on that list... bodes really well for the future.
  6. They are first inn their division... What is the coach supposed to do?
  7. Good comparison... Think Tocchet has worked with Phil Kessel before, thus he probably knows, how to handle a player like that...
  8. Agree, but think we should wait and see, if it really is as bad, as we worry about. If Kuz comes back in and is more defensively responsible than before or maybe shows a little more spirit along the boards, we could be on to a massive winner. Time will tell... Think it was @Hammertime that showed the amount of hits by Peteys wingers.... Kuz has 3, while Petey has 41... maybe that is one of the issues? Maybe they want him to see how hard a skilled player like Petey works? I'm not sure, why Tocchet is sitting Kuz, but he will know as well as anyone, that Kuz has the ability to fire the puck...
  9. Do we know, this haven't been done? Fact is we don't know jack.... Also believe they can't move him to Abby... I may be wrong on that, but seem to recall that being discussed.
  10. Just a quick note here... Before we speak about coaches who are great, good or dog shit, can we just agree, that the ultimate measuring stick is winning the Stanley Cup? I feel there are bad vibes send towards coach Tocchet, just because he make decisions we may/may not agree with, in this case Kuzmenko. Nobody here has a freaking clue, why Tocchet sits Kuzmenko in the press box. It could be for tactical reasons, for punishment, fitness issues, a lifted finger to anyone not starting the season in pristine condition, or it could be something entirely different none of us knows about. This is one of the best, if not the best start start to a season in the history of the Canucks, and as soon as he makes decisions that can be baffling, we are starting to question his ability. Now I may be in the minority here, but if Tocchet leads Canucks to the championship, I could care less, how he gets his players to perform, as long as its neither immoral or illegal... Its starting to sound as if the treatment of Kuzmenko is more important, than getting the team to play a system, which the coach is trying to implement. Kuz scored 39 goals during last season mainly under Bruce Boudreau's pond hockey... at the time it was reported regularly, that Kuzmenko was scoring at an unsustainably shooting %, but it was great to see... What wasn't great to see was the team sinking like a rock yet again in the standings until Tocchet took over in the spring 2023. JR was adamant that Tocchet was his preferred choice as coach, so he must believe in, what Tocchet is trying to. achieve, and the way he goes about his business... so far, he has done good. Maybe better than most expected at the start of the season, so JRs trust seems justified. Now a few changes were made, which made the team better, but the team still had to be adjusted, so it would win games regularly. I suggest Tocchet has done that, and more... Now, if the coach preaches something to his team and one of these issues are accountability, he might find it extremely annoying/disappointing were some of his players not playing accordingly... You may find room to individuals, if those are big time players, but in general the coach may lose the room, if players start to do as they please... Now I don't know if this is the case, but Kuz's play remind me a lot of Boesers the last few seasons, which wanted people to see the back of him. Kuzmenko is a fabulous player and likeable into the extreme with his winning smile... 39 goal Kuz will be an asset to any team, but 39 goals + defensive responsibility will be a far bigger asset, and maybe that is, what Tocchet is trying to achieve. If for any reason it's a clash of personalities, or Tocchet can get to grips with Kuz, Kuz will be traded, as nobody wins by having $5M in the press box. Nevertheless, I think they believe the can improve Kuz, as otherwise he would have been traded last summer.
  11. You want Kuz to be the best he can be, yes... as long as it doesn't disturb the team dynamics... They obviously think Kuz can be part of the team, otherwise he would have been shifted already. Again we don't know, what it is they are trying to do/achieve. It may be tactical, it may be punishment or it may be setting an example. There isn't a single fan here, who doesn't love Kuz and his smile, and his team mates are likely the same. But there can be only one captain on the bridge. If the shit hits the fan the buck stops with him. So he has to do, what he think is best for the group/club and not just the individual...
  12. Hence I also said they need to find a solition to the situation, and I am sure JR/PA will. $5M in the press box is of no use to anyone. PS. They obviously believe in him or they would already have shifted him.
  13. Again, while this is true, in your profession you are targetting the best solution to make each individual become the best they can be. in team sport you try to make each individual the best they can be for the team... Again we don't know the reason for him being in the pressbox atm.
  14. Could Tocchet maybe be using him as an example to the rest? If you go enjoy yourself durinh the off season, and perhaps not coming in top condition, you may ride the pine, if you don't follow the instructions. Fact is none of us knows, what is going on behind the curtain. For all we know, he may say 'f you' to what the coaching team is asking him to do, once he is on the ice...?
  15. This is true, but you also have a base line you work from.... I'm not an educator, but I have had my fair share of people to train, for me to know, you do, what you believe will achieve success. If that doesn't work, then you may try in other ways. Nevertheless, there is a limited time only for you to get to people, thus you can't go on forever.... in the end, this is a results business... as bad as it may sound, its win or bust. So you do it they way, you believe it will be a success. I am not saying this is the end of the road for Kuz, but Tocchet wants his team to play in a certain way, and then it is for the players to adapt. If the player can't adapt, then the end result won't be a big surprise. $5M in the press box won't be a thing for long... Tocchet believes he knows the way to success, and so does JR and PA, otherwise he would have been given this gig.
  16. Seems to be... I don't tjink there is a single fan or player, that doesn't like Kuz. Not sure if Tocchets tough love will help Kuz play, or if it something deeper. Regardsless of reason, hopefully it gets sorted out one way or another, as having $5M in the press box is good for nobody. I think, despite what we think, we got to give To chet some lee way. He worked with very good players before and did well, so he earned the right to try different things.
  17. Mic drops. ( I have no idea what CMIIW means , please help)
  18. Yes a point would have been welcomed, but sometimes its just not in the script... They could just as easily have gotten at least a point in that game... I think, we have to be careful to over analyse these last few wins or loses, as the main thing is that in just about everyone of those, we were in them (apart from the Flyers game). There will be enbs and flows, but no reason for alarm bells in my humble opinion. You nailed it yourself a few months back, when you suggested it was probably a wild card team. We are better than that atm, but it may turn. Regardless of this road trip, we are in a far better place, than we've been the last 10 year. And things take time. Lers not forget, this team is still learning to win constantly and to carry the expectations of both winning, and winning in style.
  19. Spot on amigo. We have had a strong start, now playing some .500 hockey or worse is not going to ruin that. The team is in a far better place, than it has been the last decade. The systems implemented have helped the team immensely. Things take time, and the change of forwards with Petey and Miller reminds me of AVs fun with finding wingers for the twins and Kesler... Lots of combinations tried... Hopefully we find a solution to the Kuz issue, so Petey can get a winger he deserve one way or another.
  20. I thought, we had a lot of half open nets and very good scoring opportunities, but missed the target in a (not normal) show of poor finishing bu our normally good shooters... Some teams generate lots of shots on target and lives of goalie mistakes or garbage goals... others more finesse goals and great finishing (high shooting %)... He is right, we have high shooting %, but as long as it works, its nothing to be worrying about. We are top in our division because of the way we play, not because of how we could play... if we can't sustain this, then by all means be concerned, but for now its a bit early to change the way we play.
  21. ?? Top in our division, close to the top in the league, but the coach sucks and lets get a new one??? As for what other coaches would have, lets not screw this up, by starting a search for a maybe better coach. I honestly think our best start to a season in a decade has gone to the head of folks...
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