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Everything posted by Sargon

  1. The “bc highway overpass impact of the game “,gets me every time I hear it!f$&@g hilarious!
  2. It definitely seems like we have lost a little bit of our focus and commitment to puck support and sticks clogging up passing lanes,and sloppy passes to no one is standing out.bit of a lack of intensity at times. I agree about the learning curve and would rather struggle a bit now learning to be consistent and then putting it together towards the approach of the latter end of the season entering the playoffs.timing in sports like life is sometimes the key to everything.
  3. For some reason flat diet caffeine free cola cola would totally help me when I was feeling that kind of “sick “.and I am not a pop drinker at all.good luck!..or peppermint tea is great for the tummy!
  4. The fin is the delicacy,sort of like when bears are shot only for their paws and gall bladder’s.rhinos horns instead of viagra…etc.
  5. Their HF post game board is insane!it’s like watching flies fighting.
  6. I went over there to take a look and it’s like “lord of the flies “,!!there is some real crazy over there!
  7. Completely true, I also used to love pushing myself after work when I was dead tired but mentally turned into a robot and crushed it!worked all day at the old Avalon milk location on wales and 41st ,lifting 36 litres of milk all day and then would ride my bike to UBC and swim 100 laps then ride home to 6th and Quebec and lift weights.three days a week.never felt happier and slept like baby.obviously didn’t have a family at that time !
  8. Studnika hasn’t had the chance yet to create some bad penalties?I like the option of both as it creates a situation of competition for consistency from both guys.
  9. I agree with your studnika observation.
  10. Any one know what attendance was last night?and who has had the worst so far?that looked rough.
  11. Especially for the cost as well,still liked Pearson but I think these guys we’ve added in the off season soucy,lafferty,desmith,cole..would have really moved the needle for Edmonton if they made these moves.hats off to management!also hats off to ownership for highering a veteran president to run things and not meddle.
  12. Also Marin gelinas ,strange how molgilny seems to be forgotten in general.was he not our first 50+ goal scorer?not that he was clutch like adams or gelinas.
  13. Thanks,i do appreciate the offer but unless I can pay with counterfeit money then I won’t be buying!ha haI do agree with tas! I also can’t justify the purchase to my wife.it’s like trying to explain to her that the dishes and dinner weren’t done before she got home because I spent all day organizing my C.A.M.P on fallout 76.just not gonna fly!thanks again though!
  14. It’s probably the only one I would consider spending an obscene amount on.I agree $$$$.just one of the best i think!
  15. I know the league doesn’t want to use the commemorative jerseys but that one designed by Gino Odjik’s cousin was stunning! I would love to see that one more often.
  16. Do you remember when he punched his teammate petr nedved out after warning him to stop antagonizing one of their teammates over how much that person’s contract was worth compared to his?golden!
  17. That’s why we liked record album covers when you had to separate the seeds from the Thai stick. A ice cold Tab, the nords versus the habs on the French channel and some Nalley Piccadilly square salt and vinegar chips…..and a good book between periods!
  18. I actually like your use of cursive!.dying art in this digital world
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