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Canuck You

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Canuck You last won the day on April 24

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  1. 7 days sober.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Cerridwen


      Well Done!!!! Hang in there and remember always that there are people here ready to listen and chat when the minute/hour/day seems a tough one to navigate!

    3. Canuck You

      Canuck You

      So much love and support, Unbelievable!..This made me smile a lot! Thank you soldiers for such great vibes..What a great community I/We have here. I am Grateful. Hasn't been easy but nothing in life is I guess..On to another day of being the better version of me! Thank You.

    4. -dlc-


      Awesome news! Being sober will likely be an adjustment...sometimes means giving up people/places if they don't support you and your choices. But having sobriety is a wonderful payoff.

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