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Toni Zamboni

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    Toni Zamboni

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  1. weak sauce April fools jokes today. Step up your game yo!! 🤟

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Canuck You

      Canuck You

      @Drive-By Body PierceThat's you and your kiddo I am assuming? That's frickin' awesome man!

      Building superstars! Good work.


      I would just like to be a lil' more financially stable but hey if it happens, It happens. I'll be a proud dad no matter what!...That sounds weird just saying that haha..

    3. Drive-By Body Pierce

      Drive-By Body Pierce

      That's him with a coach, and I am filming.


      Haha, it's totally weird. 


      That aspect, of having another being, is easier at the beginning. You just take care of your child.


      But, they become 100% operating beings! Lol, they have opinions, and desires.


      Up until a couple years ago, my son had no interest in playing hockey. But then some switch just flipped in him, and it's all he wants to do 


      I try not to pressure him, and just support whatever it is that he's into. 

    4. -dlc-


      I am such a sucker. I bought that JT injury so hard that I almost cried. I was frantic....searching for news, turned on 650. Got me good.

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