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  1. My account doesn’t stay logged in. Anyone ever run into this?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Jeremy Hronek

      Jeremy Hronek

      @Roger Neilsons Towel @Devron


      My apologies - I was just kidding around and figured it was obvious (although I can see how this can be lost in translation on the internet as opposed to seeing each other face to face).


      I'll try and be more polite next time. 

    3. Devron


      She’s all good my friend! 

    4. PeteyBOI


      @Jeremy Hronek take it from a guy that apologized often before, not every moment is a chance to be funny, or insert your 2 cents... alot of these posters former players, refs, media people, and the rest are spirited canucks fan just calling it as they see it. I hope you realize that all people on this forum deserve our respect.

      If you need to talk about something thats bothering you in your life right now PM me, otherwise you should just chill.

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