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Everything posted by Devron

  1. Surviving. Everyday is a new day. Thanks friend
  2. It is a scapegoat for sure. I used to laugh cause people would call him out and he’s not on the ice even. He was a much better player a couple years ago. He’s just not very good and make dumb plays frequently. Even homers can see it even if he is somewhat of a scapegoat, Glad he’s gone next year
  3. I don’t care about tonight. It’s one game. Yes he did make mistakes tonight too. Probably not the worst ones. But when I look at the season I can see the games he’s cost us. Myers is the worst
  4. Nope but that’s what they were referring too. Kept the momentum in favour of New Jersey though. All the defence sucked tonight but we just see this stuff from Myers every second game minimum. He’s an easy target but he deserves everything he gets. He doesn’t make light mistakes. He’s frequently lost us games. This is a better team without him
  5. It was wearing on a guy I get it. Im frustrated with this game tonight and know we’ve been a .500 Hockey club for a little while but I know we are a better team this year. I think it’s gonna come down to the wire to make the playoffs and I’m ok with that. One step at a time. Light years better then previous years
  6. I actually watched that one in full and all my buddys turned it off like you. I told them to check the score in the morning
  7. I knew I had a bad feeling about this one. Hard not to when we always lose to these guys. Never know though. I’ll stick around I’m not a bitch
  8. I know, it’s just that the hate flows through me. I can’t stand when one player continues to F things up for us
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