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Everything posted by Devron

  1. No he was not well respected around here. And it was BS. I’m with Crossbar on this one. But I’m not comparing the 2. Myers f’n sucks. Edler was actually good. Outside of taking to many penalties imo. But I clearly remember fans calling for Edlers head. Truth is. Our teams just sucked
  2. Edler was unfairly a whipping boy. His last few years here he was more of a 2nd/3rd defencemen. He was forced to be the no.1 guy but also was never a problem. He needed to be surrounded by better. Him and Tanev were on an island
  3. Can’t play defence they said. Also F those people. Go Quinn!
  4. Just dropping in to say great win. Exciting game. Also F U Myers
  5. Still? Wow. Sportnet and Score have it corrected
  6. That’s usually how it goes though. Looks great. Not a great rebound there but otherwise he’s been solid
  7. See the difference. Petey makes a blunder but then works off his tail to correct it
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