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Everything posted by Devron

  1. Yup except in the playoffs when he was our best Dman. But playoffs don’t matter. She’s all good, we got Myers
  2. Yeah there’s plenty of that in this thread. The needle shifts a little to fit whatever narrative folks deem fit depending on how the situation plays out
  3. At least we got Hronek locked up. Lots of people wanted him gone too so win some lose some
  4. A lot of gaps to fill on D in the next couple years. Willander is a must to turn out that’s for sure
  5. Agreed. Hes a big man it was all coming together for him, I agree on another gear. Unfortunately that will be for another team
  6. True. Still more cards to fall, but UFA is where teams fall down every year. I mean we just traded away a UFA mistake
  7. Well doesn’t matter now. He’s gone and is no good to us now. But if you look back the conversations are much different then they are now
  8. Cause somehow we are improving are team by losing players that played well for us especially in the playoffs. It’s very confusing times
  9. WOW stretching things a little are we? Do we not have Hronek and Myers on the team. Since when does Juulsen come into this equation. Is Soucy a top 4 Dman too?
  10. Well I guess I’ll just watch other teams draft some young talent at the draft. At least there’s that to look forward to
  11. There’s no argument for the stuff we traded away to watch players walk, absolute bullshit
  12. I don’t like this at all. The Myers signing shook me and now I see why. Well still time for minds to change I guess
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