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Everything posted by Devron

  1. While I agree. I just find it interesting because the way the teams trajectory has changed over the past year. We’ve seen more than glimpses of Petey. 100 points is not a glimpse. No worries from me there with or without Guentzel. Would be a pretty sweet add though
  2. The media doesn’t know shit, ever since the covid season and shit the continue to try and pull with this team I have given them zero credit
  3. And they are probably waiting until that date for one side to cave in. So until then the media will speculate that all our UFAs are walking with the limited cap space we have
  4. Let the Coil win in Florida too. I wanna see the cup won by Florida in Edmonton
  5. Still don’t think this lead is safe for the Coil
  6. I worked with a guy before that used it daily haha. But yeah doesn’t matter. I suck at grammar so I don’t care
  7. Same. I make mom jokes and no one laughs but me haha
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