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Everything posted by Devron

  1. Always speaking my language 73 I think Allvin referred Joshua as his staff need to find more players like him. I think he’s referring to guys on league minimum type deals just needing a little push to break out. 50/50 we keep Joshua due to contract. Hope we do but I can see us not coming to terms
  2. The media wants to watch us burn, that’s my takeaway from the Zadorov questions. Basically stating that he priced himself out and we can’t resign him. Who was that loser asking those stupid questions to Big Z?
  3. I loved it. I love how our team has so many different personalities
  4. Thank you. Finally someone letting a human being be a human and not a fking robot
  5. Picture this you’re trying to trade a guy but you go on air stating how bad the player is? I don’t think so
  6. Probably playing at about 90% my guess, that extra 10% makes up a huge difference of being elite or not. It’s a tough league
  7. Anyways, can someone post the full videos once they are available?. That would be greatly appreciated
  8. People need to stop shitting on our players. Obviously something was going on with Petey. People calling him soft and all this BS. Didn’t look soft to me. Looked like a guy that needed some linemates and some confidence in the Offensive zone. Pete played great defensively and making plays but didn’t put up the offensive numbers he should have. Turns out bad knee. always knee jerk reactions from fans
  9. My name is Devin. A long time I made the internet alias Devron. Nice to not have numbers
  10. Also sad the season is over. Summer is here but man I look forward to my Canucks games
  11. These people don’t see the full picture. Petey is a fantastic player and will continue to get better. It’s always the what have you done for me lately mentality. Same with Hronek. I bet we either barely make the playoffs or possibly even miss them without his contributions. We complained for a decade about not having a RH defencemen. We have a pretty darn good one but Now we must trade him cause some report says he wants 8 million. People wanted Miller traded before his NMC kicked in too. Now it’s just Laughable. Boeser, a good majority of people wanted gone. Even mad we re-signed him as a RFA We have a great core. We just need a few more pieces
  12. Yep still alright with this. Great season. A huge step on the right direction for this franchise. It’ll get more intense over the next few years as we gain more experience and really push for the cup. It’s a great time to be a Canucks fan. Hoping the long time old timers can hang on, they deserve the cup the most
  13. JT miller all over again. They all wanted him traded too after his extension
  14. Agreed. But there will be a zillion pages in the proposal sections this summer and I will laugh at them. Good times ahead
  15. Yup lots of short memory among fans. Theres always at least one player they want gone. And if they had it their way in the past we wouldn’t have Miller, Boeser or Garland on this team.
  16. Yeah I can’t blame Petey tonight, like what does he have to do. Sets up guys with glorious chances just to miss the net. He needs line mates regardless of his talent.
  17. This team never gave up all year long. Doubters after doubters. Game 7 of the second round. Resilient Group. Props to the fans too. Very classy at the end of the game
  18. Proud of my boys. Great season. Let’s go further next year
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