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Everything posted by Devron

  1. I hear ya. It would be nice, get at least Podkolzin in there. He would be pumped and provide a boost imo
  2. I like it but Mikhehev needs to be banished to the 4th line. Not even JT can help that guy
  3. Theres some truth to that. Should have just left the guy alone and signed him in the offseason. The pressure became huge to sign before
  4. This is a very good point and makes a lot of sense
  5. Gotcha Still Mikheyev is pretty whack for a linemate lol Anyways I’m tired of talking about Petey. We all just want him to be the player he can be at the end off the day
  6. Ideally but we still live in a world where men are supposed to “Tough it out”. Some of us males are just programmed to bury it and suck it up but it comes back with all sorts of issues
  7. Like once or twice? I don’t remember that much of that. He’s practically been glued to Mik
  8. Me too man. Keep believing that’s all I do
  9. He’s human that’s all I know. Maybe it’s something he’s not talked about. He might be going through something mentally
  10. I haven’t noticed that myself but maybe that’s true. Maybe he has to a certain degree. Maybe it’s mental. Maybe he’s going through some depression or anxiety. Tough to say. Just gotta believe he’ll pull through
  11. I’m one of the most determined people I know but I know that I’ve failed and made mistakes. I keep going always.
  12. Hes been struggling. I think we all know that
  13. Happens to the best of us. Usually teams have to face many years of playoffs. Failures, heartbreaks before the win it all. Still could be a special year for us though
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