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Posts posted by Devron

  1. 2 minutes ago, The Lock said:


    Saying his floor is Mark Stone tells me what kind of person that person is (ie. the gross over-exaggerator)


    That being said, I'm a little baffled of this trade but maybe there's more to this than we realise at the same time.

    Yeah was gonna say the same. I hate the trade but wtf is that guy smoking 🤣

    • Haha 1
  2. 3 minutes ago, JeremyCuddles said:

    Funny thing is, Podz could be their Joshua. Not in terms of play, but in terms of finally clicking. We'll see what happens. It wouldn't be so scary if we sent him East. Sending him to Edmonton is where it gets frightening. The odds of him clicking is low, but it's not zero imo.

    Very true. Joshua was a few years older 

  3. Just now, GrammaInTheTub said:

    Return is what it is. We would have lost him to waivers and he wasn’t making our roster. At least we got something in return. He deserves a shot somewhere else. 

    As others have said, the shittiest part of this is just accepting the fact that we missed with that pick. 

    Jett Woo had more points than Podkolzin last season. So let’s all chill.

    Excited Ric Flair GIF

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  4. 3 minutes ago, N4ZZY said:

    I honestly still don’t understand why management traded Podkolzin other than he hasn’t shown much up until now. They don’t believe that he will show much more than he has and he’s waiver eligible. Are those the reasons for why he’s traded? Because if not. This makes little sense. 

    That’s probably why. I guess for me I would have rather seen him at training camp one more time and at worst lose him to waivers. better then doing any work with Edmonton what so ever 

  5. 1 minute ago, canuck73_3 said:

    Podkolzin does not move the needle for Edmonton. At all… Relax. 

    Not in this moment no but who knows. I just don’t like the fact we are helping them in any way at all though whether it moves the needle or not. They are trying to make the best out of the Holloway thing and this gives them so hope 

  6. 1 hour ago, Lemon Face said:

    Again playing GM game?What Alvin has to do for you to endorse him????

    Honestly though I’ve only been upset about OEL buyout, Big Z and now Podz. So I mean it’s been pretty good. And we played deadly last year so things are pretty positive in Canucks land. But when I see a move I don’t like, I’ll express it 

  7. 2 minutes ago, NoHeart said:

    Only in Vancouver would people give a crap about a useless bust like Vasily Podkolzin. You don’t think they called around the league? This guy has shown absolutely nothing so you get nothing in return. Good riddance. 

    Maybe I’m guessing here but I’d think people in different cities are also passionate about their teams

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  8. 12 minutes ago, bishopshodan said:

    I forgot how extreme the hockey talk side of this site gets...and I hang out in Off-Topic!


    Me: "I dont really like this"

    Some Folk: "...Oh, you think you know more than the Canucks brass? oh, you scared of rivals? oh, you can see the future and know this will turn out bad?, Why you so worried!?"


    At least thats how is feels. 😆

    I wonder if Hughes was traded if there would be some people that said well I trust Allvin of this one too. Haha 

    • Haha 1
  9. 12 minutes ago, smithers joe said:

    so your saying, we need a new gm?

    Nobodies perfect and every GM makes poor moves from time to time. It’s how it goes. I have full faith in Allvin and Co but I’ve also been on the other side where I viewed every move a good move for us and they turned out bad. Guess I’ve grown as a fan 

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  10. 11 minutes ago, Optimist Prime said:

    That is why I said poison pill, he is a good player with slow feet and no real defence, so maybe he is intended to take a roster spot on Edmonton seemingly Holloways, making Edmonton easier to pass in the playoffs? 


    I am just speculating, but it wouldn't be a big stretch to see we have a book on Podz now that we can 3xploit.

    I’m not sure man. But this is making that creep seem like he’s fixing the Holloway situation. I wouldn’t even answer that guys messages. 

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