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Everything posted by Devron

  1. Yup I’ll take a guy like Miller over Matthews in a heart beat. Goals don’t mean shit if you don’t have the heart to win
  2. Also seeing how fired up and happy Miller was on the bench was a real treat, I love that stuff
  3. I think the refs get him a lot so he try’s to be cautious at times but he doesn’t seem to gaf in the playoffs which is awesome
  4. Myers was awesome. Like really awesome tonight. Think he got away with a couple though. That trip on the PK for sure.
  5. He did. He has credit for it now. Hughes had 2 assists
  6. Luckily we don’t have to take it one game at a time like the players do, we can be happy, happy tomorrow too
  7. It’s funny. It feels like we have a better chance to win when he calls the game
  8. You remembered that! Yay! Yup we got ourselves a winner
  9. Mathews isn’t a winner. He just cares about his goal totals. Plain and simple.
  10. Hes got the playoff experience, makes sense
  11. If we win the cup with Garland then Benning made the greatest trade of all time
  12. We were always in it! We deserved the win! Life’s good!
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