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Everything posted by Devron

  1. It’s kinda lame to be honest. I don’t care too much about tonight’s game because of it. I get it, I understand it but it’s boring from a fans perspective
  2. This is so weird. This game means nothing. Like I don’t care. We won the division. We are in the playoffs So weird
  3. Can’t wait to see playoff Petey, gonna be great to shove it in the naysayers faces
  4. “Matthews fails to score 70 goals” headline on Sportsnet Hilarious, the dude score 69 fkin goals give me a break. “Failed” lol just thought that was funny Now back to hatin the leafs.
  5. I don’t care who they play tbh. Tough matchup will just give them a boost if they win the series. Make Doughty cry or bounce the Golden Turds. I’d love to see both happen
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