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SilentSam last won the day on June 23

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  1. Wow, have to love his honesty ! Must have been a few Oilers growing stiff on this kind of deployment:
  2. i think this discussion will pick up,. heard Alvin say something regarding Demkos status this week,. There wasn’t clear any confidence to Demkos status. more speculation:
  3. Sabers1 , Curious to understand your opinion of these Democrats? Gavin Newsome . John Stewart From the outside , looking in ,. To me It seems either would have the cunning to stop Trump by death of a thousand cuts .
  4. Realizing now that RuZ can’t count that high, .. that’s why it dosent matter to them.
  5. The US Department of Defense has released the details of the ~$2.3 billion security assistance package. As previously stated, it includes PDA #60, worth $150 million, and USAI #19, worth ~$2.2 billion. The USAI package is entirely PATRIOT missiles and AMRAAMs. They are linking this to their decision to resequence the delivery schedule for active Foreign Military Sales cases for those two missiles. There were large numbers of PATRIOT missiles and AMRAAMs already on USAI contract for Ukraine prior to this new commitment though. The drawdown includes more HAWK missiles, additional MFoM ammunition for M142 HIMARS & M270 MLRS, artillery ammo, anti-tank munitions, and more.
  6. “Seaweed “. Great Nik name ! … perhaps it gets trimmed down to “Weed” in Vancouver when he starts to “smoke guys”. lol ps . I wouldn’t mind seeing Loui between the benches on HNIC , especially since Jake is here now. Maybe chirps his kid with a few that keeps him focused lol . Loui has turned do out to be great host . edit/spellcheck
  7. Lol , UKR getting another type of F16 as well ? beauty . (can we get them to put in our driveways;) )
  8. Guys like Vinny that are fearless are compensating for not getting played or trained better to advance their game and skillset . They get “musically plugged” into holes behind others that get all the attention. This culture change here is embracing all players and trying to create symmetry for all. I think Vinny will at least get to that Aaron Rome type level and become quicker , and tighten gaps well.
  9. Dudes built to fight ! Lets get him skating/ training hard and unlock something more positive in his game AS well . He is fearless enough , that mindset can be powerful. This organization is challenging all players to work outside of their comfort zones .. I think Vinny will embrace the attention he is about to get from all Coaches and Trainers here. Especially RickT
  10. Just an FYI : The total number of American soldiers and military bases in Asia/Pacific countries. Military Personnel: Japan: 55,990 South Korea: 25,592 Thailand: 99 Philippines: 125 Australia: 1,767 U.S. Military Bases: Japan: 42 South Korea: 32 Thailand: 1 Philippines: 6 Australia: 4 Source: Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP), 2022
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