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smithers joe

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About smithers joe

  • Birthday 09/24/1938

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  • Location
    halfway to heaven

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  • CDC Username
    smithers joe
  • Original CDC Join Date
    september 2nd 2009

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  1. a 1956 jackie robinson baseball card, which i had as a kid, is being sold for 156 thousand dollars. my baseball and hockey card collection would be worth a fortune now. my foresight skills were missing. dumb kid.

    1. Canuck You

      Canuck You

      What happened to it?

    2. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      probably thrown away. i joined the navy. the people sold the house and it's content. either someone else got them or they were thrown out in the garbage.

    3. Canuck You

      Canuck You

      Dang, That would have been worth a lot! Sorry for your loss.

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