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smithers joe

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About smithers joe

  • Birthday 09/24/1938

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    halfway to heaven

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  • CDC Username
    smithers joe
  • Original CDC Join Date
    september 2nd 2009

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  1. have to wonder what our team would look like if linden had stayed and got his way on rebuilding this team?

    1. Ghostsof1915


      Well, if he was kept on, I doubt Benning would stay. So the team would have needed a new GM.

      Wisebrod probably would have been gone too.

      So that might have totally changed things from 2018 on.

      Safe to say the OEL trade probably never would have happened.

      I wonder if we would still have drafted Podz?


      We probably would have struggled a lot but we might have gotten a new coach sooner, and been more patient with building through the draft.



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