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smithers joe

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About smithers joe

  • Birthday 09/24/1938

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    halfway to heaven

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  • CDC Username
    smithers joe
  • Original CDC Join Date
    september 2nd 2009

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  1. what's keeping silovs from signing?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. 6of1_halfdozenofother


      ...or JRPA are trollolololling us by holding off signing him until closer to preseason.  Because they know we'll generate a lot of discussion about it... :frantic::frantic::frantic:

    3. Bob Long

      Bob Long

      maybe the agent is trying to really milk the playoff performance?


    4. Elias Pettersson

      Elias Pettersson

      Most likely it's about the money.  It always is.  I can see Silovs wanting $2 million and Allvin offering $1 million.  They might split the difference at $1.5 million.  Still gives us some money left over to get another forward or Dman.

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