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smithers joe

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About smithers joe

  • Birthday 09/24/1938

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    halfway to heaven

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    smithers joe
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    september 2nd 2009

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  1. who might the canuck's trade for d help? besides poolman's contract.

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    2. nzan



      Why would it be helpful to trade him? 

      He wouldn't offer any cap relief and his value would only be as a someday hopeful.

      Hoglander on the other hand has shown he can step into a lineup and produce at a super low number. This could be the perfect opportunity to get high value for him (like a Broberg?) while Podz hopefully rounds back into form to be a valuable piece within 1-2 years.

    3. Curmudgeon


      Good question. I think it will be a case of too many bodies and too few spots. Podkolzin is clearly in a dogfight to nail down a roster spot. If he can't and they have to send him to Abbotsford, he'd have to clear waivers and I don't think he would. So, if he doesn't show enough to earn a spot in Vancouver, I believe it would be better to trade him than lose him on waivers. But I openly admit that I could be completely wrong about this and maybe he gets a tryout in the top six and fills the net. Don't think so, but who knows?

    4. nzan


      I don't think so either, but it's fun to dream!

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