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smithers joe

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About smithers joe

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    halfway to heaven

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    smithers joe
  • Original CDC Join Date
    september 2nd 2009

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  1. john's widow gave a great eulogy. i couldn't do that at my wife's funeral. she held it together quite well.

    1. -dlc-


      I love that it was long and she got to express everything. She was so brave. How difficult for her to navigate this - will have 3 children under the age of 3 and there will be moments when it's difficult. I'm just glad they do have what seems to be a great support system, it'll be needed after the initial shock wears off. Right now I imagine they're all still numb.

    2. Ghostsof1915


      Rough way to start life losing your Father and your Uncle. I hope the family gets the support they need.


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