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smithers joe

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About smithers joe

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    halfway to heaven

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  • CDC Username
    smithers joe
  • Original CDC Join Date
    september 2nd 2009

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  1. yuch! i was reading history on my 18th great grandmother joan beaufort. someone wrote, if your related to joan, your also related to president trump.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Snoop Hogg

      Snoop Hogg

      My condolences, sir.

    3. Ghostsof1915


      Do you have a God complex? Do you lie all the time?

      If the answer is no. And I expect it is, it just means that side of you probably got weeded out in your bloodline.


    4. JIAHN


      Well Joe, with your blessid live, you know something was going to go wrong sometime! LOL


      And you know, at least you got the brains in the family! LOL

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