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smithers joe

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About smithers joe

  • Birthday 09/24/1938

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    halfway to heaven

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  • CDC Username
    smithers joe
  • Original CDC Join Date
    september 2nd 2009

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  1. 25 mil left to sign our 11 remaining fa's.

    hronek, zadorov and lindholm would eat all that up.

    no room then for joshua, podkolzin, blueger, myers, cole, lafferty, friedman or desmith.

    unless other contracts moved.

    tough decisions for PA and JR.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. NHLer


      Hronek -  7 x 7 

      Zadorov - 4.5 x 5 

      Lindholm - 7 x 7 

      Joshua - 3 x 4

      Blueger - 3 x 4

      Podz - 1 x2 


      ~ 25.5 



    3. coquitlamdave


      @NHLer Realistic prices for all, but i think that leaves us with Blueger or Pods playing backup goalie.   

    4. filthy animal

      filthy animal

      I'd let go of Blueger and his 3 mill goes towards DeSmith and a 6th/7th Dman. We still have Suter signed for another year and Raatu waiting in Abby

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