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smithers joe

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Everything posted by smithers joe

  1. has the other 9 thousand cdc members, ghosted us?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Coconuts


      On the upside we're almost at 1.1k members 

    3. Snoop Hogg

      Snoop Hogg

      Many of those accounts were banned as well. Others just stopped posting. 

    4. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      90 thousand my bad.

  2. i hate it when the lions and canucks play at the same time.

    i guess i'll listen to canucks on radio and lions on tv, ain't they got no learnin?

  3. how many more players do we need to be truly hard to play against.?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. chaoticmonkey


      Agreed 100%... unfortunately it feels like size and intimidation is never a priority for this organization. They need to rectify that asap if they hope to go on a playoff run at any point over the next couple of years.


      The good thing is that Tocchet seems to actually care about that considering he brings up energy and physicality often in media scrums.

    3. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      that's why he loves diguiseppe and joshua and miller can bring that kind of game forward. maybe studnika and blueger can play that way too, i don't know. 

      i don't know how many d-men playb that way? maybe cole.

    4. Jess


      Soucy and Myers both have an edge to them and although he's not big, Hronek doesn't back down either.

  4. yes, i remember you telling me about your father and idiot rock. hope all is well with you. are you still in quesnel?
  5. that is the very reason that i do not like the god thread. you have every right to your beliefs and you might even be right. but you might even be wrong. someday we'll all find out the truth. but threads do not answer any of the questions we all have. saying that, i believe that our souls suvive death and we get to see our love ones again. without that, this life has no meaning to me. am i delusional. maybe but that is my faith in the matter. it always will be.
  6. hopefully you can use your spaceship to transport oppressed people to safety. that would show your love. have a safe trip
  7. god knows. god cares, god gave us free will , god could have created a utopia but that wouldn't only be boring but we wouldn't learn and grow. we don't know if we pay for not loving others but there is a ton of things we don't understand. we're not telling you to believe in something but we do ask that you respect those of us that believe in something you don't. i don't look down on anyone. i'll even look up to you if you prove me wrong. happy days.
  8. i wish you a good life lad. i'm happy with mine. we won't change each others minds. i'll chose to have faith in god, you in yourself. cheers.
  9. yuch! i was reading history on my 18th great grandmother joan beaufort. someone wrote, if your related to joan, your also related to president trump.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Snoop Hogg

      Snoop Hogg

      My condolences, sir.

    3. Ghostsof1915


      Do you have a God complex? Do you lie all the time?

      If the answer is no. And I expect it is, it just means that side of you probably got weeded out in your bloodline.


    4. JIAHN


      Well Joe, with your blessid live, you know something was going to go wrong sometime! LOL


      And you know, at least you got the brains in the family! LOL

  10. how about you give evidence that there isn't one. not theories or speculations? science can't.
  11. i'ld trade podkolzin to boston for lohrio i wouldn't do the mcdonough trade unless it was part of a bigger trade. we don't want to move all our young players for players on the down sides of their careers.
  12. thank you grand lady. i love movies that touch my heart. have you still got kin here in smithers? cheers lass.
  13. which one gets waived?

    wolanin, brisebois or juulsen?

    i can't remember if any have stood out. anyone got a run down on these guys?

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      last year i had hirose, wolanin, juulsen, mcward and then brisebois.

      i guess it will come down to, who has the skills that best suit this defense.

    3. 6of1_halfdozenofother


      TBH, I wouldn't be surprised if McWard is sent down before long.  Him remaining on the roster seems to be more about having someone who doesn't need to clear waivers to send down in case they find themselves needing to send someone down last-minute.  But I could be reading this wrong. 🤷‍♂️

    4. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      aman can be sent down too. who knows what decisions lurk in the corner of a coaches mind?

  14. i use to have a real problem with them, but when i worked at the high school, a fellow ran into the room i was in followed by boys intent on beating him up. they stopped when they saw me. the kid was terrified. i talked to him for some time. other than having a different mind set than me, he seemed to be a pretty decent lad. i changed my views after that. i still don't like the same sex relationships, but i don't place myself above them either. we all have hang ups of some kind, is this simply judging the size of our hang ups?
  15. hoglander, or podkolzin  for pinto.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Ghostsof1915


      @Dankmemes187 He got 35 points last year. What doesn't feel safe? Is the +/- scaring you?


    3. PeteyBOI


      pinto.... explosion..... boom...

    4. Ghostsof1915
  16. how did you do at the track?

  17. 2o players aent to abby.

    podkoolzin and hirose among them.

  18. for me the jury is still out on beauvillier and hoglander. not sure yet, where they fit in. are they goal scorers, playmakers or gritty board battlers? both tocchet and rutherford claimed the mix was wrong last year. imo the PK got better but looking at teams like vegas, did we get tougher to play against up front?
  19. i'm looking more for a hard to play against winger for petey and kuz's line, that will give them more freedom to bring their strengths to the game. miller and boeser need mikheyev's speed and defensive play to make that line more successful. diguiseppe would be perfect on a line with suter and garland joshua with blueger and either aman or studnika. wheres burrows when you need him?
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