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smithers joe

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Everything posted by smithers joe

  1. neil lavang's ghost riders in the sky.
  2. sorry, i'm just trying to get us through the silly season.
  3. i still think, they want to bring in another top 4 rd man.
  4. mine should have been when my wife died, but she had suffered so much her last year with brain cancer, i was happy for her. i was sorry for me but happy for her, not to be in pain anymore. sometime later i was looking for something in a drawer. i found a birthday card she had bought me but was never able to give me. the card read, when we first met, you took my breath away. after all these years, you still take my breath away. i remembered being there for her last breath. i have to admit, i shed a few tears,
  5. what happened on the worse day of your life?
  6. broken record here, but i still think they should have a look at soderstrom even for abby.
  7. when i first went into the hospital, they were going to put in stents but i had a huge lump on my groin, where the would go in to. three nurses saw that and were pushing on it to see if there was a growth there. one nurse said, you must love three women poking around in your groin? i said well it be a long time since that occurred.
  8. i imagine the bombers will rush the quarterback at the beginning to through roarke off his game. we'll soon find out

    1. -dlc-


      Yep, they sure are. Bombers are playing with tons of confidence....gotta knock that out of them. A nice fumble or pick would be great right about now.

    2. -dlc-


      As I say that....nearly!!!

    3. -dlc-


      That was a great play to knock that ball away.

  9. thanks or those words, good lady/ friend. i nothing to look forward too, so i look back and try to remember what my life was all about. the wins, the loses and the break evens. funny how when you get old, you remember somethings but not others.
  10. i just listened to my fav from high school, unchained melody by the righteous brothers. oh, the memories.
  11. my wife's favorite song was, love grows by edison lighthouse.
  12. i need to be in love. my favourite karen carpenter's song.
  13. i might be out to lunch but i've always believed that baseball teaches, youths about life. i use to give all my players a copy of john wooden's pyramid of success. i'ld love to go back and see how each boy made it through life. did my teaching help them at all?
  14. i have a silly one, but near the beginning of playing organized baseball, i was mostly a bench sitter. we had 3 extra players and i was one of them.. i rarely played more than an inning. one game the other team had just 9 players, then one kid got hurt. their coach came over to see if they could borrow a player. i jumped up and said, i'll go. our coach said yeh, take pratte. i went 2 for 2 at the plate, drove in the winning run and made a game saving catch in the outfield. the only reason it was memorable was from then on i started every game and usually was the first batter in the order. if that hadn't happened, i'ld probably be still sitting on the bench. it also helped set the direction of my life.
  15. discounting stats, bo gave his heart and soul to the canucks. he should be remembered for that.
  16. any cff gardeners  out there that can tell me why my tomatoes aren't turning red? i keep them watered and the weathers been warm enough. green with envy.

    1. Snoop Hogg

      Snoop Hogg

      Nothing wrong with fried green tomatoes.

    2. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      you don't know either, eh.

    3. bhoodlum


      There are some things that can slow the ripening process: if it's too hot, too much fertilizer, too many fruits on the plant, too much sun,  and even the type of tomato.


      I expected this to be a poor tomato season for myself as it took ages for blossoms to set due to the cold, wet start to summer. And then like with yours, they just wouldn't ripen. But I've been harvesting tasty, ripe tomatoes for the past couple weeks now. 



  17. the fureys and davey arthur's when you were sweet sixteen. this song helped me through the grief of losing my wife. loved finbar's banjo picking.
  18. i'm alone on this but imo, canucks should sign victor soderstrom to a 2 way contract.

    to me it's a win, win signing. the former 11th over-all pick in 2019.

    at least if he doesn't get his game together at the nhl level, leave him in abby. i remember a defenceman gave up on and now he is one of florida's  best d man.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      he is a ufa. to get a 2nd pair d man they would have to make trades. soderstrom could be developed on the farm. no risk.

    3. Ghostsof1915


      RFA Joe, not UFA. 

    4. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      an offer sheet might get him for nothing. he makes less than i mil a year.

  19. i was around from the beginning too. kurtenbach and schmautz and back when the canucks were in the whl and pchl. some posters on here remember the whl canucks. dunnybrooks against the new west minster royals at queens park. at 86 i remember the old 6 team league and gordie howe's rookie year. i remember jackie robinson breaking the color barrier and the great battles between the yankees and the brooklyn dodgers. when your my age, you'll remember events that others never did. these events never die if someone remembers them. cheers.
  20. in my 20 + years coaching minor baseball and hockey, i mostly had winning teams. one year when i started coaching in north delta the tryouts and draft happened on a day i had to work. i asked the league to pick a team for me. they must have forgotten till the draft was over and pick my team from who was left. only one boy had ever played ball before. we lost badly, the first half of the season, but i kept working to teach them the game. there were 6 teams in our division. by the midway point we started playing better. we ended up 4th place by seasons end, but we had beaten all the teams in the league. i know, 4th place, but i was so proud of that team, they were winners to me. the story of ray also comes to mind. some of you might remember it. i guess, all our stories are the stories of life. thank you all for sharing.
  21. i think deb would be a good player's moll. cowbell and all.
  22. what is your most memorable achievement in life, not counting marriage or children? just one.
  23. once upon a time in the west by patricia janeckova.
  24. carleton school boys could do a lot of crazy things.
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