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Everything posted by Coconuts

  1. Coconuts

    Vibe check

    Can't say I've noticed, I've seen some folks who are understandably considered about Demko but nothing outrageous Given his track record of injuries in recent years I get why folks are concerned
  2. Here's the actual press conference if you want to watch it
  3. Key takeaways from the the press conference this morning, as per reddit 10 acres of land. 7 acres for the arena itself, 3 acres for a public square. The sale price will be established after an assessment of the land. Sens will be owner of the land in mid-2025. Owned by Capital Sports and Entertainment (Sens), sold at fair market value NCC wanted a long-term lease, team would not budge on a sale Keep emphasizing that it's an entertainment area, not just an arena No cost established yet, still in the design phase. Too many parameters and variables before we can provide a timeline. Years, not months before a shovel hits the ground. The agreement was actually signed this morning. Papers were going back and forth last night. Mixed-use land. 6,000 new homes, 25% affordability. NCC is committed to bringing in other developments on the same timeline. Public transit is an important consideration in this. East-West and North-South lines of the LRT connect right next to the prospective place for the arena. City/Taxpayer role: A long way from details on financing. "I don't think" there should be an expectation of taxpayer funding. (from Sens) Potential P3 agreement, ala the Oilers. Both Bell and Richcraft Sensplex are P3 agreements. Plans for CTC: No detailed plans yet. Have had conversations, and it's clear the Sens need to do something special with this land. CTC will continue to be updated and repaired until the team moves. Need to do geological, geotechnical, transportation, and mobility studies. Need to do financing plan, zoning, environmental, and site cleanup studies. Numerous long studies and works need to be done before shovel in ground. There is contaminated soil that needs to be cleaned up. A Reporter asked about the different tones between the new Sens (Andlauer) and old Sens (Melnyk). Said a lot of words without saying anything of actual value. NCC rep: "A key point in this was when Andlauer purchased the team." The team wanted to own the land so that they could reduce complexity in an already complex process.
  4. Twelve years later and they finally put out the the follow up album
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