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Everything posted by Coconuts

  1. Down to the very end no less. Even the western race to clinch took longer than expected, St. Louis was always going to be hard pressed to get in but it took them til close to the very end to be eliminated.
  2. Coconuts


    I think a bit of that is unescapable for those experiencing homelessness, but even that's complicated. It's not something to generalize, but oftentimes there's a intersection of factors that homeless individuals experience. Mental health struggles and homeless often go hand in hand, trauma and homelessness as well. There's also a lot of trauma experienced by homeless individuals once they are homeless. It's also challenging for a lot of homeless individuals to access supports of any kind. It's not easy to get supportive housing, and a lot of housing isn't low barrier housing. The wraparound systems that would really help individuals frankly don't exist, particularly in smaller communities. A lot of the supports that do exist are band aid measures. Addiction is such an incredibly complex thing, so is homelessness. They're both fascinating issues, but so complex.
  3. Caps are the eighth seed, feel bad for Sid but I'm glad one of him and Ovi made it. Maybe next season Pittsburgh.
  4. I was wondering about that, what a head scratcher. Ovi will get at least one more crack at the playoffs.
  5. 31, wonder what the record for shots in a period is
  6. Panthers with 30+ shots in the 2nd period, goddamn
  7. Coconuts


    I've always been more fascinated by opiates, they really sink their teeth into people. I'd never try them, I've never done any drugs, I've never so much as taken a puff on a cigarette. I knew back in my teens that I had zero interest in dabbling with that sort of thing, I didn't want what I considered to be "artificial happiness". One could argue that some drugs aren't artificial, but I've never been interested in using substances for joy, stress relief, ect. That also applies to alcohol, although I do dabble in that. I've never wanted to use substances to cope, which is why I've never really been much of a party style drinker. I've also seen and heard too much. I did a practicum at a reputable rehabilitation facility in Nanaimo, got to hear a lot of stories from a diverse range of people, people who were often much more educated than I was at the time. I worked on two different wet sites that had residents actively using as a support worker, I also put together harm reduction kits as a support worker and have observed folks being brought back with naloxone. I think the worst I ever saw was a guy turning blue, it took like three or four shots of naloxone to bring him back. Wasn't uncommon to see folks nodding off, or folks experiencing withdrawal symptoms. I don't think it's uncommon for folks to attach a sort of mystique to drugs, but I also think most people haven't really experienced the gritty realities that often come with the territory.
  8. Hazing is cancerous and should be met with serious repercussions https://winnipeg.ctvnews.ca/teen-hockey-players-arrested-following-hazing-incident-manitoba-rcmp-1.6849360
  9. Hard to say, oftentimes new coaches bring in their own assistants It helps Green that he's just an interim guy though imo, stepping back wouldn't be much of a change
  10. Green ends up stepping back into his assistant/associate coaching role imo, Devils will want a bigger coaching fish
  11. When negotiating with more important positions there needs to be more flex regarding cap space and term. This isn't to say don't try and make things at least fair from the team's side, but if you're going to overpay or pay more than you'd maybe like it's better to do it with key positions such as the ones you've mentioned. You can cheap out on depth a bit more, there's no shortage of bottom six forwards via UFA each season. A handful of top 4D usually hit UFA too. It's much harder to find top pairing guys, which is why they get paid.
  12. Same, I root for the Isles to do well because of Bo He was a good soldier for us, one of the few bright spots throughout some lousy years Some folks choose to be sour about how he left, I'm glad we got what we did from him
  13. Washington or Pittsburgh for me, it'd be neat to see one of Sid or Ovi make it Kane's gotten his runs, Detroit can wait a little longer
  14. Without Ovi putting up points too, and they held them to 16 shots He could finish with more assists than a Canuck has points, all it'd take is a couple bigger games
  15. This last Eastern spot is really going down to the wire though
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