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Everything posted by Coconuts

  1. https://www.espn.com/nhl/story/_/id/39915208/coyotes-relocate-salt-lake-city-part-nhl-plan
  2. One of the things they’ve been talking about is moving the Coyotes to Utah, and then as part of the sale Alex Meruelo will be given rights as the next owner of a future Arizona franchise, whenever that would come. I absolutely believe that’s on the table.
  3. I'd take Canada's group, but the US has been catching up in terms of skill, the US has been better about investing in hockey and they have greater resources with which to do so. Hockey's a rich man's game now and it's only gotten more and more inaccessible over time. In time Canada may be supplanted as the world's hockey superpower.
  4. Yup, things are shifting and they're going to continue to rapidly shift. The strain on existing resources, resources that have gradually been whittled away at, will increase. The need for health and social service professionals will increase, the need for folks to step in and fill the holes left by an aging workforce will increase. Factor in the fact that birth rates have been declining for a long while now and it's a complex issue. One could speak to the threat of privatization as well. And that's a terrifying reality for many. I did an interview with one of my classmates the other day for my older adults, aging, and society class, one of the things that came up was their speaking about retirement aging being roughly 15 years away and their fears regarding what that'll look like economically, and in terms of the level of care they'll receive as well as what they'll be able to do physically. Given the current state of things I can see why they'd worry. They don't have kids, they're the primary caretaker for their mother, and all their siblings live out east. This person is in their early 50's. There's a lot that middle aged folks, the young old, and the old old are afraid of. It's not uncommon for them to be marginalized by care systems despite them being the ones who predominantly use them, and it's not uncommon for them to be viewed as lesser, invalid, or invisible by society. It's tricky, the boomer generation is collectively the wealthiest generation but that doesn't apply to everyone, a lot of folks will have to claw to survive as they get older. Intergenerational angst and wars exist, and frustrations on all sides can be valid, but while it's likely disputed it's has been reported that younger generations are worse off than their parents nowadays, as you've said. Wage stagnation, less attainable home ownership, and high education costs and student dept are examples of this. This is likely true for many seniors, having to live off of what may have once been an inheritance for their children, but it's also an unprecedented thing to a degree I'd imagine, folks have been living longer and longer and that's a unique reality for the past few generations. It makes things tougher for both aging parents and their children in a way likely didn't used to be as common. Don't get me wrong, I'd rather not see my parents suffer economically as they age and most children would probably say the same, but I also know that an inheritance is probably the one way one of my siblings will ever be able to afford a home. It's probably the case for many other grown children too. The other wrinkle to that is whether Canada's existing services are shifting to accommodate folks living longer, particularly in regards to older adults who need long-term care of some sort whether that's a care facility, a retirement home, or something else. Most folks would prefer to age at home, and these facilities are expensive, even on the lower end. It doesn't help that Canada's social safety net has seemingly been cut at for years and years, is Canada ready for the reality of it's aging population? Ready to adequately provide services and supports that aren't cookie cutter in nature? Cookie cutter won't work for immigrants who haven't had the tenure to build up for retirement, for those without immediate family support, for those with transnational caring relationships, and so on. They won't necessarily work effectively for those of different cultures (ethnic, gender identity, disability, and so on) either if services are designed with a majority in mind. The growing gulf between the haves and haves not and neoliberalism certainly don't help either.
  5. I suppose it depends on when the interview was done, McDavid's game has been much more complete this season and his offensive game is as dynamic as ever Mac would have probably been my choice, maybe Crosby
  6. Yeah, it's a common thing for high picks who don't immediately step in as stars to be dunked on and it's as ridiculous as it sounds Byfield and Lafreniere are two other examples of top picks sometimes needing time
  7. Slaf got a hatty on no sleep, up to 48 points in 78 games Those bust comments that used to surround him sure have dissipated, sometimes young players simply need time
  8. https://www.dailyfaceoff.com/news/sources-nhl-drafting-2024-25-schedule-version-with-coyotes-relocated-to-salt-lake-city
  9. All true, reputation plays a part But I find it interesting nonetheless considering how Hughes has leveled up
  10. Definitely CFF is Hughes land and I get that, but the comparison is inevitable and will likely never cease It makes for interesting conversation
  11. Wasn't just that, the breakout pass bit was interesting too Hard to say whether it weighs offense higher, Makar has a history of strong defensive play despite his numbers not being as strong this season Reputation plays a role, but as I said earlier, anyone voting has also played against each of Hughes and Makar personally so I wouldn't rush to discount it
  12. Hughes isn't a newcomer, and the players are the ones who play each of these guys so I wouldn't dismiss it. The latter bit, sure. If he was the engine behind a cup win that might change some minds, tall task though.
  13. It won't matter in regards to the Norris, but it's interesting to see how the players themselves largely view Hughes and Makar https://www.nhlpa.com/player-poll/2023-24
  14. I mean, I didn't wanna pay up for Guentzel either Canes has a deeper prospect pool than us, no question, that's why they could afford it
  15. They're a much different team with a lead
  16. I'd say McDavid is still probably the better point producer if both are equally healthy, but Mac isn't far behind. He's probably a more well rounded player too. Mac's one of the few guys in the league who has the hands and smarts to keep up with his feet the way McDavid does though, it's a very small list. Probs, although I'm tired of Kucherov and wish him and Tampa nothing but failure and disappointment going forward. I'd be surprised if Mac doesn't, he's got the story and the goals that Kucherov doesn't. The consensus seems to be that it's his turn. As for Pettersson, how's he going to do that when he's yet to play an NHL game?
  17. Kucherov will likely get the Art Ross given the questionable quality of Tampa's next four opponents, but I don't see how Mac doesn't get the Hart at this point, maybe the Lindsay too
  18. Big if true Not having Hart has really hurt them down the stretch
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