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Everything posted by Coconuts

  1. Please tell me why 

    Makar is in the front yard 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jess


      This is worse than Dakar Rally.

    3. Chon derry
    4. Bob Long

      Bob Long

      kid grew like a weed 

  2. Please tell me whhhhhyyyyyyyyy Makar is in the front yard
  3. Maybe, but I just don't see him taking a 1.25M pay cut to do so, he could likely at least get his current 4.5M in Dallas or Toronto, and if he hits UFA the pool would definitely be larger than that Defensive D of his ilk are highly sought after, he's one of the best at what he does and it'll probably get him paid again
  4. It's doubtful they get Tanev for 3.25, Dallas would probably offer him more than that to stay in a tax friendly state and he'd definitely get more than that via UFA Ottawa, who was heavily rumoured to be interested in Tanev leading up to the deadline, would probably offer him something like 5M, they'd bled goals this season he's exactly the sort of D who could help them stem the bleeding Toronto was also rumoured to be very interested in him and would probably take a run at him via UFA, Tanev's from Toronto so it's not farfetched to see him wearing a Leafs jersey Maybe I'll be wrong, but I have a hard time seeing him taking a 1.25M pay cut to come back to Vancouver when he could get the same or more to stay on a contender in Dallas
  5. It's not just his production though, his other metrics have been off the charts this season as @Miss Korea frequently posts and I have a hard time not believing that Hronek contributes to that, I think their chemistry is something special Some of it is Hughes being a special player, absolutely, but I believe some of it is having a legitimate top 3D (who's also an RD) to play with Schenn and Hronek are very different players, it's not farfetched to believe that what Schenn and Hughes got out of each other vs what Hronek and Hughes get out of each other would be different as well
  6. Fred's in his Master Roshi era and I'm here for it, Limp Bizkit's demise was greatly exaggerated
  7. Agreed, I think they both elevate each other in different ways, having to pay such a D is a good problem to have. And yeah, it could be a top of the league pairing going forward, or at least in that bracket. The only area I disagree is paying him more than Hughes, I wouldn't have an issue with that and I don't reckon Hughes or any other Canuck player would either. I don't see the deal Hughes signed going on three years ago setting a cap for Canucks D, I don't think a nearly three year old contract is indicative of current cap realities. If Hronek were 22 or 23 that'd be one thing, but he's not, he'll be 27 in November. The Canucks will be buying one more RFA year. It won't happen, but in the event Hronek simply took his qualifying offer it'd walk him right to UFA. The Canucks will be buying UFA years. I don't think quibbling over an extra 500-750k is worth it for the Canucks, it'll probably be negligible as the cap raises and the asking prices for top 3D rise alongside the cap. Hughes will likely get 12M+ as a clear cut #1, I don't think paying 7.5-8M is outrageous for Hronek if the Canucks view him as a top pairing guy. I think folks are getting too hung up on Hughes being a sort of cap, and probably less than 1M in cap space.
  8. That's probably where we diverge, I probably think Hronek's impact on Hughes's game is greater, which is fine. Perhaps it is a hyperbole, but I think it's strange how there have been so many posts and threads about needing a partner for Hughes, and now that we have one folks don't want to pay him more than 7-.7.25M. I'd much rather pay important players such as top pairing D more and cut costs in the bottom six by integrating players on ELC's and cost effective UFA's. Most players have weaknesses, but that doesn't typically stop the high end guys from getting paid. Hronek isn't a young RFA, the Canucks will be buying UFA years and that'll probably drive the price up. I don't view Hughes's current cap hit as some sort of soft or hard cap for D the way some others seem to. Hughes signed his current deal going on three years ago, it isn't necessarily indicative of current cap realities, it's indicative of what the cap was then and the cap space we had available.
  9. Yup, if they'd offered Horvat more during the offseason, but prior to the season, he'd probably be a Canuck. It's probably better for all parties that it played out how it did, but lowballing important players isn't a smart way to try and keep them. Them being a top team this season doesn't necessarily mean they're going to get every player at a discount or on a bargain deal, even top teams have to pay market value for players sometimes. Having to pay market value instead of getting a discount shouldn't be perceived as a negative, it's a norm across the league. Thing is, that probably goes both ways. I don't think it's a coincidence that Hughes appears to be playing at a higher level this season alongside Hronek. He was already a great player, but he really does look that much better. Some of that is Hughes himself, but some of it likely isn't. I think folks are too quick to write off Hronek's impact as largely being tethered to playing with Hughes when in fact it appears their playing together is synergistic and benefitting both players, and the team as a whole as a result. Does Hronek benefit from playing with a player like Hughes? Absolutely. Does that mean he isn't a quality player in his own right? Of course not. Does Hughes benefit from playing with a 2-3D in Hronek? I reckon he does, and Hronek's side will probably argue as much. How many times have we discussed trying to find Hughes an RD partner over the years? We finally have one and they work very well together, more than likely he'll end up getting something towards the mid to high 7's because of it. Maybe as high as 8M, although I reckon that's the highest the Canucks would probably go.
  10. Ngl, CDC played a big part in keeping me engaged over the years I'd lurk in the early to mid 2000's before finally joining up The trades, runours, and signings and general hockey discussion areas in particular, moreso as things started trending down I pay attention to other hockey socials because there's more fans of other teams, thus more league wide information, but it's this community that keeps me around here I realize that my takes aren't always taken well and I've done my fair share of being testy and butting heads, but despite that I do enjoy engaging with folks round here
  11. Probs not, dude clearly loves to play For real, it makes his success post-surgery all the more impressive, he's the first to step back in and be anywhere near his previous level
  12. I reckon you probably have Way I see it is it's just having experienced some of the lows that have historically come with being a Canucks fan, anyone who's watched over the last ten or so has likely done so There aren't any longer term fans who haven't imo
  13. He's gonna hit 50+ goals and 100+ points on a Bruins team featuring Charlie Coyle and Pavel Zacha as it's top six centers He's basically doubled Zacha's production Marchand's the only other Bruins to have broken 60, it's nuts
  14. Quinn showed more right off the hop than Jack did, put up 53 as a rookie and never really looked back Jack on the other hand took a bit longer to gain traction, his rookie season was 21 points in 61 games and he followed that up with 31 in 56 Jack signed his current deal on Nov 30th, 2021, he wound up finishing the 2021/2022 season with 56 in 49 It was the following season that he really blew up, putting up 99 in 78 He was knocked early on, but he was also super young, Devils bet on him providing surplus value and it's paid off spectacularly for them If anything Hughes took a larger cap hit for more years in regards to his current deal whereas Pettersson probably took less to bring down the term, Jack took the guaranteed money and has likely cost himself 2M+ a year by doing so In retrospect Benning probably should have found a way to lock him in longer
  15. Finished with a hatty Hellebuyck continues to stand tall for the Jets too, went 40/42 with a sparkling .952 save percentage, he's def the Vezina frontrunner
  16. Leafs try to storm back but fall short, Philly's grabs a huge two points
  17. Gutsy OT win for Detroit, Kane continues to be a success story for them Goal and two assists, point per game now if I'm not mistaken
  18. I'd rather it be a shorter deal if possible, four years would probably be ideal Not interested in adding an additional year or two to bring the cap hit down, I'd rather be able walk away from him a year sooner Don't think about his currently being 28, he'll be 29 in April, 4x5Mish would take him to about 33, at which point we may prefer to replace him
  19. It's not just people moving to Dawson either, folks are buying investment properties up here, anticipating rising costs.
  20. You keep going on about Dawson Creek, but I know Dawson pretty well, I live there. My partner's a fourth or fifth generation local, odds are you're not going to know it better. Yes, housing is cheaper here, but there's a caveat to that. Dawson Creek is a popular hub or immigrants precisely because housing is less expensive. Younger folks are also already doing what you've said, in fact they've been doing it for a while. Thing is, Dawson Creek is a small town of roughly 12k, it's housing options aren't unlimited. Nor are it's community resources or local infrastructure. The general feeling amongst folks I know up here is that the province doesn't really give as much of a shit about northern communities. As demand rises it's likely prices will too. As for don't spend money, I don't go throwing money around, but that doesn't change the fact that costs of living outpace the income of many. It's not all frivolous spending, things are tighter financially for most people than they were prior to Covid and wages have not kept pace. None of the doctors in town are taking on new patients for example, and it's rare to hear about positive hospital experiences. It's not unusual for folks to have to drive four or five hours (weather depending) through the pine pass in order to access care in Prince George. It's not as if we can just hop skip across the Alberta border, it's more complicated than that because of interprovincial yadda yadda yadda. It's also not as simple as move north or move east, a lot of jobs can't be done remotely, and people have families, communities, and other obligations to consider. Not everyone has the brain, learning style, or skill set for trades either, that's not the surefire solution you seem to think it is. There are needs elsewhere anyway, the Canadian population is aging, a lot of the work force is aging, there will needs to be replacements. Thing is, if folks can't afford to live in certain areas, where are those replacements going to live? I was born and raised in Nanaimo, I know the island very well, a lot of the demographic on the island is on the older side. Newly wed or nearly dead is the saying, thing is, if younger professionals are priced out who is going to care for all these aging folks? An exodus of young folk from larger cities and towns isn't necessarily a good thing. Nor is an exodus of young professionals from the country in general. The idea of pushing folks north just to have a chance at home ownership is troubling, the millennial generation is now the largest age cohort in Canada, Canada's workforce is aging. There's no getting around the fact that younger, but not exclusively younger, demographics are going to need to be able to afford housing all over Canada.
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