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Everything posted by Coconuts

  1. Yes, and I'm hoping to see more of it. But we've still traded out a couple 1sts and only one of those trades looks all that good. I haven't been impressed by Lindholm, I'm hoping management is more cautious when making large deals involving high picks in the future. And we will, but we'll need to continue replenishing our prospect pool with higher end talents as well. Podz could be more than a bottom six forward, maybe Raty. Lekkerimaki and Willander are our legitimate blue chip guys though. Pettersson, Hughes, Demko, Miller, Boeser, none of em are getting any younger. Gotta balance trying to build a contender with building up that next wave.
  2. I don't think the NHL brass have as much of an issue with it as NHL fans do, it's resulted in NHL darlings winning cups and further growing the game further south Rival GM's may not like it, but I'm not convinced it's something the NHLPA would rail against either It'll take a good segment of owners being peeved about it for anything to change imo, so I'm not really holding my breath
  3. Mental health challenges affect every facet of society, not just the who fit the stereotype of mental health struggles, the same goes for addiction, I met several highly educated and high-earning folks who've struggled with addiction when doing a practicum at a reputable rehab facility Wealth and opportunity can give folks the resources others may not have, but having access to resources doesn't guarantee better outcomes, or that folks will utilize them Lot of folks suffer in silence, and it's not unusual for folks to not be aware their loved ones are suffering
  4. I think the NHL likes that the shootout produces highlights as well, although a 5 minute OT period and then a shootout does effectively cap how long a game can go one way or another The playoffs are a different beast entirely, I'd imagine games going longer just drives up profits somehow
  5. Not surprised though, the NHL clearly likes the shootout
  6. There is no simple fix, there just isn't. I wish I wasn't so angry and resentful at it all, it's exhausting. And it's not just anger, there's fear there as well. All I've tried to do since I was in my early 20's is work towards trying to scrounge up for a home. I did a certificate, I did a diploma, I'm doing a bachelors. I've scrimped and I've saved and it just doesn't matter because my earning power has stayed relatively the same while things have seemingly gotten further and further out or reach. I'm afraid I'll never get there, and I'm not the only one. Lot of folks do what folks say we should do and try to move somewhere where things are cheaper. But as more folks do that won't things inevitably cease to be cheaper? Smaller towns also offer fewer job opportunities, not every job can be done remotely or with a laptop. I don't expect things to be handed to me, I wasn't born wealthy. I've always known that I'd have to work for everything I ever achieve, but it's harder for me to do than it was for my parents. It's more expensive, the requirements to make what's considered "good money" are seemingly higher than ever nowadays. Canada's younger workforce, as well as it's older workforce, is one of the most educated in the world, that raises the bar economically doesn't it? When more folks are highly educated it becomes a standard, but economically it's mattering less and less given that wages haven't risen alongside the cost of living. A lot of folks I know are similar to me in that their only big long-term goal has been trying to save up and purchase a home of their own, but it feels hopeless and a lot of us are scared that we'll never get there regardless of how hard we work. The economic milestones our parents and grandparents were able to achieve seem to be getting further and further away, and most of the time it doesn't seem like things are getting any better.
  7. That's a shit generalization. I'm a bread and butter millenial, 33 going on 34, we don't expect things to be handed to us, but I'd sure as hell love to have the economic opportunities my parents had. Same goes for my younger twin brothers, who are older zoomers at 25. Almost every person in my age demographic that I know is working, many of us have gone to school and done exactly what we were told to do growing up. Work hard, get an education, try and save for a home. Most folks my age do not own homes, most folks in Gen Z do not own homes, the only way a lot of us will ever own homes will be the deaths of our parents. And even that could take longer than it did for previous generations, folks are generally living longer than ever. This is my third time going back to school now to try and get ahead, but prices on pretty much everything have jumped tremendously since I started my diploma back in 2019. I'm in the latter half of a bachelors now and it probably won't even matter, prices going up have likely nullified a good chunk of any wage increases my higher education will now allow me. I've worked a bunch of jobs, I've done casual work, I've done thankless customer service, labor, and retail jobs that folks shit on but still want done, I've done graveyards, I've done shit work in a recycling. I might actually have to soldier on at some point and get a masters so I can buy a home, I shouldn't need a masters to buy a home. A masters would be more than any of my parents of grandparents had, and they were all able to buy homes and raise larger families just fine. But those were different times. It gets even more ridiculous when you consider that Canada's one of the most educated countries in the world per capita. https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/most-educated-countries You say folks don't want to work but what else are they going to do? We live in a capitalist society where we have to work to survive. Lot of folks are just surviving nowadays, it's not that a lot of folks don't want to get ahead, it's that a lot of folks simply can't. My parents bought their house for 130k in 2003, two houses on the cul de sac I grew up in sold for 700k apiece last year. In 2019 it was assessed at 386k, it sure as hell ain't that anymore. It's not even just BC, prices have risen all over Canada. Education, housing, rent, groceries, we're paying more than our parents ever did at our age. My mom's an early childhood educator, my dad is a horticultural technician, they're both in their early 60's and will probably get to retire at some point. More than likely my brothers and I will never get that opportunity. I am very, very angry at the state of the world because it is not my generation or Gen Z that set the wheels in motion. We're generally not the ones in positions of power and influence in the business world, we're generally not the ones in government or the ones dictating policy, we're not the ones who've repeatedly tanked the economy. It is older generations who have collectively crafted the world we grew up in, and who continue to mold the world we'll inherit. Now, I'm not pointing fingers are individuals and I'm not going to pretend that there aren't folks who are Gen X or older who don't suffer from the same economic realities because there are, but a lot of younger folks are very, very angry and it's not as if they don't have reason to be.
  8. Top Sixstito, forever in our hearts
  9. If Myers is going to take less for any team it'd be the Canucks, I've no doubt that his side knows he'd probably have to take a bit less
  10. I'd be fine with 2x3M tbh He gets a lot of flack around here but there's honestly a lot to like He's an RD with a long history of playing top 4 minutes, that's not a bad sort of thing to have as a 5D, he's someone who could capably play top 4 in the event of injuries He's already a known quantity by players, management, and the coaching staff, you're not bringing in a wildcard, you know what you're getting from him as a Canuck He does bring additional size and provides some complimentary offense, he's actually third in points for Canucks D this season Having a veteran D on the corp isn't a bad thing, I don't see Cole's coming back as a sure thing If he's going to take less for any team it's going to be Vancouver He's an RD stopgap, RD are good to have, he's a stopgap til Willander is ready to go He already knows the systems Myers has demonstrated that he's a capable D when he's not asked to do too much, it's not a shock that he's looked better when surrounded by a competent D core He's generally pretty durable
  11. [Proposal] we extend Myers for a couple years as a reasonably paid stopgap
  12. I became a fan in the early 2000's Caught the tail end of the WCE, got to see the success that the Sedin led teams had, and have watched my fair share of mediocre rosters over the last ten or so years to balance out all the competitive rosters I got to watch I'm simply not as old as many of the fans around these parts, so I reckon I've paid what I can
  13. Some of this is already in the Around the NHL thread, but I figured a new topic would get people's attention more Some interesting potential changes may be on the way, although one change is in place immediately
  14. Yeah, there were strong drafts, no doubt. You're right, all drafts are not equal, but I remain bullish on keeping picks more often than not. We look to be on a competitive upswing, finally, I just hope that management finds a way to balance retaining some of their top picks with trying to go for it going forward. Other teams, teams who've been trying to contend longer than we have, have found a way to compete while holding on to their top picks, I hope we do as well.
  15. Yeaaaah, it drives me batty, I feel like I've been railing on regarding second round picks for like four or five years now, if not longer I hate how past management groups have thrown them around, I'd much rather we use them Picks aren't guarantees, but they're the best way to acquire top talent and cost effective players Not even just Benning era management, it goes back further, I'm really hoping this management group is more conservative with their top picks going forward Hronek was a good get, Lindholm leaves something to be desired, I'd rather us not always be trying to fish with our picks I'd rather be like Dallas and Carolina, generally stingy when it comes to moving out top assets
  16. I'm not sure Hronek really fills what Ottawa needs tbh, or that we'd get Pinto AND Chychrun for him Scoring isn't their issue, it's keeping the puck out of their net that does them in Ottawa was really high on Tanev leading up to the deadline, I wouldn't be surprised if they throw 5M at him
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