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Everything posted by Coconuts

  1. A while back I thought Nashville would be the easiest matchup, they've definitely changed my mind None of Vegas, Nashville, LA, or Edmonton are appealing St. Louis wouldn't worry me as much, neither would Minnesota, but I'd be a bit surprised to see either claw their way in Whoever comes out of the central will be a monster, none of Dallas, Colorado, or Winnipeg would be fun to match up against in a seven game series
  2. Good for him, glad to see it actually happened
  3. Doesn't matter where the Nucks finish, there will be no easy route out of the first round, every team could potentially beat us and vice versa Should be entertaining
  4. I'm more impressed by Faber, it's much harder to step in as a D Minny could be a wagon once that dead cap expires depending on how they spend it
  5. 6-0 for the Jets, Tofu seems to be fitting well
  6. I get it, but I also wouldn't say it's something he's known for Guys are competitive out there, sometimes they take things too far, and get away with it We've def gotten away with stuff over the years, had a rep for it at one point even
  7. I'm a big fan of Mac, but for sure
  8. This, if anything an asterix would be indicative of the games he lost to lockouts and Covid. Give him the entire 12-13 and 20-21 seasons and he'd probably be there already. Had 32 goals in 48 games in 12-13 and 24 in 45 in 20-21.
  9. I figure the Canucks win this one but I still wanna see an Ovi goal
  10. Two days later and MacKinnon's still rustling jimmies
  11. He's pretty much there as well There are a handful of guys who just miss the cutoff if you look at TOI https://www.quanthockey.com/nhl/seasons/nhl-players-stats.html
  12. Faber being there as a rookie is nuts Drew still leading the pack at 34 is also nuts
  13. Coconuts


    Probs not as a VIU student, but it's good to know that this sort of thing is out there online I haven't looked at job stuff at all the last couple years besides occasionally checking out what social worker pay rates are, or social work job postings
  14. Coconuts


    For sure, we saw it during Covid with nurses and other health staff, hell, we're likely still seeing it with nurses One of my good friends went to school for psyche nursing over the past few years and the burden vs the pay is rough, and psyche nurses can make great money
  15. They are, which is weird to see, Detroit's really been shitting the bed though Lot of competition for those last three eastern spots Less so out west, Minnesota's climbed back into the picture and St. Louis is still hanging around, hard to see Vegas not picking up steam over the last stretch though LA could fall out but I'm not expecting them to Nashville and Edmonton have probably built enough cushion not to worry too much
  16. Coconuts


    More than likely there's a lot I haven't considered tbh, graduation feels far away but at the same time I realize it'll be here before I know it
  17. Coconuts


    It's tricky to navigate, separation isn't always possible and the reality is vicarious and secondary trauma can, and will, influence the lives of human service professionals. On the other hand, generalist human service education is likely widely applicable as you've said. I've never really been a person who ties their job to their identity, maybe that'll make it easier to bounce around if needed. Social work, or whatever I end up doing, is ultimately a means to an end, and if I can help folks in meaningful ways along the way that's great. I admire the more passionate classmates I've had over the years, but while passion and heart are important things the world doesn't run on em. How enmeshed one becomes in their role is a tough thing to navigate, and when partnered with a lack of organizational and personal support, it can definitely lead to burnout. Thanks, I appreciate it! You def pick up skills along the way, sometimes it's tough to see those soft skills when you're still in academia mode though. That's awesome! I suppose part of finding opportunities is being open to the the reality that more unconventional doors can, and may open. I've heard of Guthrie, but only loosely, I'm not sure if it still exists but prior to Covid there was something called an inside/out program that brought both inmates and students together in a rather unique way. Maybe it continued throughout Covid, but I could see technology having been a barrier to it's continuation. MCFD sounds tough, but you never know. I've never been interested in doing child protection work though, so that might be a deal breaker. That's the role that most folks think of when they hear social work, but it's also one of the roles with the highest rates of burnout. I get that, there's so much up in the air and in the end life will do what it do. The reality is most of us don't have nearly as much control over our own lives as we'd like to think, sometimes you've just gotta take things as they come. Hell, a lot of the time we have to. Not gonna lie, money was the biggest driver for me pursuing my bachelors in the first place. You don't get into human services for the money, but it has to matter, and it does whether folks want to admit it or not. Of course getting paid, and what we're getting paid, matters. My time as a support worker gave me a firsthand view of how entry-level front line workers don't make nearly enough. Some folks would be astonished at what folks making a little more than $20, sometimes less, do and navigate on a day to day basis. And it sucks, because there do need to people performing those supportive roles, but my time at both Edgewood as a practicum student and my time as a support worker showed me that they aren't valued nearly enough. Some of it's complicated, non-profits often just don't have the budgets, but in my experience that also leads to overworked staff who recognize the importance of their work, but who often don't feel valued, and a revolving door of casuals. The same can be said of other roles, my mom's been an early childhood educator since I was a small child and they have never gotten paid enough for what they do. Most folks pay to put their kids in preschool and daycare at some point, not realizing just how much work goes into it. Unfortunately the often absurd daycare costs don't end up paying those actually providing the service with proper wages.
  18. Agreed, Dobson is by far NYI's most important player this season, the same can't be said of Bouchard.
  19. It'll be interesting to see if the rest of his game see's improvement next season if he can stay healthy and get a good summer or training in. It'll also be interesting to see whether Hughes maintains or builds upon his game or sees some regression. I wouldn't be surprised to see the Canucks regress next season, if they do it'll be interesting to see how much of it is tied to Hughes.
  20. Yeah, that's a bit of a weird one. Having Bouchard over Dobson is weird too though. Josi's pretty close though, I was saying the other day that he's lowkey having a Norris caliber season. Makar and Hughes are neck and neck regarding point totals now, Makar's only three points back. If they stay neck and neck offensively it'll be interesting to see whether the difference between their +/- actually has any impact. Reputation is a real wildcard.
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